Name: A'teal "iron-fist" Estin Age: 23 Race: Reachman (Half Breton half Nord) Class: Beserker/Puglist Appearance: A'teal is a tall woman, standing at 6'0 weighing in at one hundred and fifty pounds all of which is muscle like most inhabitants of the time. A'teal has a paleish complexion, with a slightly tanned look from her half Breton side perhaps. Her hair is a light brown and is put into dred locks, the locks go down to around her shoulders and mostly lay over to the right side the left being shaven. Her eyes are a hazel hue with tints of a brighter gold shade, inherited from her mother who had vibrant eyes as well. Personality: A'teal has a firey sometimes reckless personality, always eager to be doing something or getting into some adventure. She isn't a person for second chances, and tends to hold onto grudges longer then necisarry. She is very skeptical of strangers at first, but once she gets to know a person she can become highly protective over that person. However should you fall on her badside it is advised to stay clear of her path. Bio: A'teal is the daughter of a forsworn stronghold leader, a strong believer that the Reach belongs to the Forsworn and not the Nords. Though she through various eye opening events on her own time has come to hold a more diplomatic solution to the dispute, as opposed to slaughter everyone. A'teal is very skeptical of strangers when first meeting them, and until they prove themselves loyal she will continue to be untrusting and cautious about them. However once she has formed a bond with a person she becomes the first person to stand up in their corner so to speak, fiercely protective to the point of taking damage for the person. Equipment: Basic forsworn bone and hide armor modified with iron shin guards, as well as iron shoulder guards. Two forsworn axes built from leather wood and iron crudely built, yet easy to repair and sturdy enough to cleave apart enemies armor from the weight in the axe. Ancient Nordic gauntlets passed down through her family from many many years past, inch long steel spikes line the knuckles Map of forsworn strongholds and such in the reach Other: while she is a berseker in battle situations she is no unskilled brute outside of it. A'teal has some smithing knowledge as well as the knowledge of how to spot traps arm and disarm them, as well as construct her own. Also due to her preferred method of battle she is very able to take large amounts of damage and continue to fight. However if you smash her with a warhammer she will of course go down, same with any truly large sale blow but with lighter slashes and most cuts she will persist through the pain.