Lee was at home watching TV just like every other useless adult out there. His parents had left for there honey moon earlier in the day. He wasn't really mad at his parents, even thought this was only 1 of the 3 opportunitys he had to see his family, but it was nice to have some peace and quiet for once in the house. Lee continued to flip through channels, not really satisfied with anything on TV. Not until a large beeping noise came from his TV. "I repeat we urge all American citizens to remain within their homes and lock their doors. They are not to contact or trust afflicted individuals showing symptoms of Ebola, we believe this new mutated form is a hundred times deadlier than the primitive disease we knew two weeks ago. Please avoid physical contact with others and be advised until further instructions. This is Jerry Sigmund speaker of the NSA and CDG, God help us." It was on every channel, repeated on every channel. Lee did not take it seriously, the only precautions Lee really took was locking all doors and windows, and making sure that he had enough Twinkies to last him however long this shut in would last.