[quote=Charlie] Character Type: FriendLocation: Urbi LupiName: Axle NieboGender: MaleAge: 35Race: LycanAppearance: Height: 6"2'Weight: 210lbs.Hair: WhiteEye Color: EmeraldSkin Color: (assuming you mean fur) WhiteCharacteristics:QuietTrustingHonestLoyalSkill:Skill 1: Duel wielding old world swordsSkill 2: Use/knowledge of old world techSkill 3: Acrobatics Short Back Story: Axle loved old world tech since he was a pup, he explore any and all old world runes near Urbi Lupi. At the age of twenty, he found two old world swords, he sold other tech but the sword he wouldn't sell for the world after he had a black smith work on them to get them in battle ready condition.Axle's home is small (19ft by 19ft with a door to the bath room), full of clutter from old world runes, and is attached to a larger building. He typically wears clothes he found or made from rags from the old world. [/quote] Good job on the character sheet, I'm glad to see there were few issues in my sample and you were able to do quite well. Couple things to note... Skin Color: I didn't think about fur, good pointing that out. Actually what I meant was skin in human form but a fur color should be included as well for those lycan types. I'm going to throw in some quick info about Lycans below since they have a few more things to talk about regular humans don't... [b]Example:[/b] Gray, keeper of the Lunar Downpour tavern. [img=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/244/9/e/gray_by_livingdreament-d7xiea7.png] As you can see he is in human form, lycans can go back and forth at will though strong emotions such as sadness or anger can trigger the transformation as well. (Being in lycan form is okay but looked down on as a lack of control, much like a drunk man starting fights with everyone he sees) Lycans while in human form look just like humans, the only way you can really tell the difference is they have more variety in the color of their eyes. Where as humans can only have blue, green, and brown; lycans can have more wolf like colors including gray, red, and orange/gold. Their are benefits in being a lycan, most notably are the slightly longer life spans and their incredible strength. There is a downside though and that is they suffer from diseases pure humans would not be able to contract. The most notable one being extreme cases of mange, causing the skin to peel off and often leads to death. The lycan race is most commonly found in Urbi Lupi and is very rarely found elsewhere. Two hundred years prior to the events of the game(s), lycans were seen as a disease. One that would turn a man into a killer and thus must be killed in turn. Legend has it that a woman and a lycan worked together to bring peace between the humans and lycans so that they could live peacefully. (Avoiding spoilers here so no details) Though recently with the economic collapse people are looking for someone to blame. ------------------------------------ That about sums that up I'll be sure to go back and include fur color into the CS for lycan characters. I look forward to seeing how Axle turns out to be. (On a side note the old world is nearly 2,500 years old. Metal of any sort, even swords, would very likely be so worn down that if they weren't a pile of rust they'd be unfixable. I'll let you use them since it's not too bad just don't want people to say they found an ak-47 lying around in perfect condition...what type of swords are they? Katanas, schimitars, broadsword, claymore, etc.)