[b]Charlotte[/b] She frowned at him, but didn't argue. She knew that pressing the debt wouldn't do any good. There wasn't much holding people to social constructs like that these days. "Fair enough," she said tersely. "I'm going to bring him back here, though. Don't block the back door. It's the least you can do after he risked himself to draw them away." She picked her tank bag off the ground and put it in a kitchen cabinet then left out the back door. It was just like she had expected, the main street had a few stragglers, all on their way to the continuing car alarm, but the back yards in the neighborhood were clear. She snuck around the back side of the houses, jogging around the cul-de-sac and then down the street toward the little apartment complex. It was a longer distance than she would have liked to travel without backup, but she was lucky. Well, luck wasn't the word. It was the alarm. The buildings were a bit closer together hear, and she had to climb a fence to keep off of the streets. She was just becoming unsure where she was when she heard someone call out. [b]“Anybody around?!?”[/b] Was that him? It must be, there can't be that many people around. She followed the voice into the next alley and saw a man standing at the end of it. And sure enough... it was someone else. She held her bat up, resting it on her shoulder, and approached quietly. When she was nearer, she hissed at him, "Fucking idiot, keep your voice down. Get over here," even as she spoke a mob from the street followed his voice into the alley. She jogged up to it and swung her bat at its head.