[u]Basic Information[/u] [b]Name:[/b] Matthew Evans/Detmer [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] Matt, Big 5 Alias is "Prodigy" [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Height:[/b] 6'2 [b]Weight:[/b] 169 [b]Faction:[/b] Big 5 in the Skulls. [u]Appearance[/u] [b]Hair Color:[/b] Auburn brown [b]Eye Color:[/b] Blue. [b]Ethnicity:[/b] Caucasian American. [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] Matthew is tall and lean, built like a runner. He is fit, and has sinewy muscle all over his body. He is far from muscular, but he’s not a walking fishbone either. Matt is a very good looking and sharp indivual. His facial features are squared, and neat, with his head having an oblong shape. Not one facial feature looks disportionate to the rest of his face. He has a sharp jawline, and a chin that blends into it very smoothly. He has a medium-sized mouth with thin lips. His nose is rather streamlined, and small, his nostrils are small and his nose bridge is only slightly thinner than the rest of his nose. He has small, piercing eyes, that stare longingly into your soul. He has large, rounded ears, that point outward slightly. With his forehead being large, half the size of his face. Because of his ability to heal with his current power, he has no scars or visible blemishes on his body. Which gives him absolutely zero street credit, forcing him to have to actually deal with people from time to time who approach him out of turn instead of staring them down (I mean, he does that too, but some douchefags don’t get the damn hint). [b]Attire:[/b] Jeans, running shoes, a maroon long sleeve T-shirt and a beanie. Easy. [u]Personality[/u] [b]Outward & Innate Personality:[/b] Matt gives no fucks, although in a somewhat classier way that what some may think. Rather than doing things for sheer fun, he does things to get the rise out of people to give him an emotional advantage. He tends to be an okay guy to be around if he doesnt have a reason to push you though. Coming from a gang, Matthew has learned a lot about people and tries to not to count on anybody over himself. He's a strong believer in "If you want it done right, do it yourself." Growing up was tough for him, and he learned to savor the bonds he makes and to very carefully choose whom you make the bonds with. He has recently become the leader of one of the most powerful gangs in the world, and he’s going to have to keep that title. His appearance might be handsome and clean because of his ability to heal, but his mind is littered with scars of things he has had to do in the past in order to stay alive and earn his keep. He has killed people, and he deeply regrets it. [b]Hobbies/Interests:[/b] What do I do for fun? Your mother. [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] Screwing every ones mothers, free running when needed, shutting people up, etc. He’s extremely able in combat, and is experienced in fighting other meta humans on the streets, where there are no rules. [b]Prized Possession:[/b] Watch his adopted sister gave him. [b]Quote(s): [/b] “If you think you’re a badass, or rough and tough and hardened then you’re not half the shit you think you are.” “Fuuuuuuuuuuck me gently.” “I will touch everything and you can’t stop me.” “If you touch my necklace I will shove my foot so far up your ass the sweat on my knee will quench your thirst.” [b]History/Bio: [/b] TBA [u]Family: [/u] Mom: ??? (Most likely deceased) Dad: ??? (Most likely deceased) Kylie Evans: Stepsister. I love her to death. [u]Relationships[/u] [b]Relationships: [/b] Kylie | Awesome | Sister and Equal | “It’s the first time in my life I’m able to be seen as not only a brother, but also an equal and friend of my sister. I look up to her so much, and I love her to death, so this is big for me.” Skeleton | Good | Boss and friend(?) | “Head hancho. He’s got a ten foot pole up his ass, but whatever. He made me an enforcer. Those are some cool points to me.” [u]Abilities[/u] [b]Power Rating: V[/b] [b]Power Class General:[/b] Power/Elemental [b]Power Class Potential:[/b] Elemental, Chemical, Cerebral, Cosmic, Energy, Anatomical/Biological, Spatial, Power, Super System and Other [b]Current:[/b] Power, Super System, Anatomical/Biological [b]Power: [/b] [b]General:[/b] Matthew is an extremely powerful meta human, who has Omnikinesis, and a near Complete Arsenal as his power. Matthew, given the training, time, and resources, can learn to manipulate just about anything in existence. He is able to shift between different powers based on sources of said power. Say he also had the ability to control fire. He would be able to switch between those two powers at will by absorbing their source. For electricity, he would stuff a paperclip in a power socket to charge himself up. He also has the ability to use other meta human's abilities as sources of power. If someone were shooting electricity at him, he would be able to absorb said electricity as a source. If another meta human was using fire, he would be able to reach over and absorb some of their fire to charge his ability. Matt also has power anchoring built in to his power set (mainly to give Allen the middle finger), making his ability uncopyable, hard to weaken though non physical means, and impossible to be altered with permanently. [b]Current Power(s):[/b] Matthew currently has self taught himself Biokinesis. Not the kind that manipulates other’s biology, but more of his own mass. This power allows him incredible feats of physical prowess, allowing him run up walls, launching himself much father than what a normal human, or surround himself with a biological suit of armor, superhuman physical capabilities. He can also manipulate his biological mass to form claws, blades, clubs, etc. This power can also grant him incredible regenerative abilities. He actually generated this power and got ideas for applications from a video game. Matthew has also gained the ability to control Electricity, and after developing the power for a few months has gained the ability to use it effectively enough to make it considered a weapon. Electricity is a fun one. He has the ability to run very VERY fast in this form, becoming a human lightning bolt if you will. Electricity crackles off him and his body will vibrate into a fuzzy shape of a human for a few milliseconds at times. This power, while not physically powerful like Biokinesis, is as I have mentioned very fast. He is very hard to keep track of and his attacks move at a much faster rate, striking more with quantity than quality. His physical attacks are either shooting lower voltage bolts of electricity (Not enough to kill you but will knock you out after a few shots) or attacking with his brass knuckles. Metal conducts electricity, so it’s REALLY going to hurt. When in water he will fizzle and charge. While this wont hurt him, it will hurt everyone in his general area that is wet. Including his friends. He can also ‘short circuit’ himself if he overuses the same attack too much in a given time. He also becomes completely immune to electricity in this form. [b]Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks: [/b] Matthew, despite having such a godly power, has learned just about nothing about it. So there's that. He has also not unlocked the potential to store more than one power at a time, because of this, if he wants to learn to control a new power, he must give up his current one. His powers also run off a charge system and must have a source for their power. Currently his biological manipulation runs off of all kinds of sources, but they must have come from once living, or living things in order to recharge. Per say he must become a glutton for food, or other beings, living or non-living. He can absorb energy as a substitute, but pure energy is neigh impossible to come by. However, he can suck healing energy from meta humans capable of healing others and use their energy as fuel, like a vampire. But this tends to leave them more vulnerable. Constant regeneration will also cause later problems such as organ failure, cramps, etc. Things he can recover from eventually (by slower, less drastic application of his healing power), but things that will put him out of a fight. When using electrokinesis, Matt looses the ability of accelerated healing all together. While he might be able to throw one hell of a punch and dodge most physical attacks, he has the durability of a normal human and for most meta humans, that only requires one shot. Overall, while his power potential is vast, he lacks the ability to control some things; most of these things are gas at room temperature, darkness, antimatter, light, etc. Mostly intangible things. He does have the ability to learn to manipulate light though. Every change Matt makes uses up some of his ‘charge’. Everything Matthew does is mentally driven, and splitting his concentration up can cause him to stutter in his efforts or stop him completely. It can also cause him to use up his charge faster. He is also limited to three power changes within a day. His power can also overheat if he uses it too much, and continual overheating can lead to ashing. If Matt overheats, he is left powerless for a time. The duration of the over heat can vary depending on how often he has overheated in the past. It usually starts off at base an hour's wait before his power returns. [b]Other:[/b] Matthew can learn or get ideas to manipulate things from just about any source, whether it be TV shows, movies, video games, or comic books. The powers won't necessarily be as powerful as they are displayed, but he can try. Drives a custom, solid black Harley Davidson V-Rod. [url=http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/d9/c8/9c/d9c89c4ceaec79bf7d08dbf11f3716d2.jpg]It’s a terrifying Bike[/url]. [youtube]GHiovIidNas[/youtube]