[b][u]Basic Information[/u][/b] [b]Name:[/b] Kylie Evans [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] Grease [b]Gender:[/b] Female, but when in doubt “Your Highness” is gender neutral. [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Height:[/b] 5'7 [b]Weight:[/b] 125 [b]Faction:[/b] One of the founders of the Skulls [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [b]Hair Color:[/b] Her natural hair color is a dark brown, but has since been dyed every color she could get her hands on. It is currently dyed green and blue. [b]Eye Color:[/b] Brown [b]Ethnicity:[/b] Her mother is white and her father is of Romani descent. [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] Kylie looks pretty damn intimidating. Not only is she much taller then most girls of her age, she is also built athletically. Her body is also rather feminine, with a hip to bust ratio she can't complain about. She has a slightly tanned complexion, dotted with freckles from all of her time outside and in the heat. Her face is rather pretty, despite the constant fighting she partakes in, and has all of the normal features you would expect. A wide nose, thin lips and two big eyes. She has long, girly, eyelashes and thick and dark eyebrows. Her "relaxed" face often looks a bit like a scowl, to the point in which people often ask her if something is wrong. Kylie has gotten make scars during her time in the Skulls. Most of these scars are unintentional from all of the fights she had gotten in. These vary from light scars to deep and 'ugly' scars that she takes no pride in. The first scar of many she got was a cut across her eyebrow, from a knife fight with a police officer. It's long since healed, but the hair hasn't grown back. The rest of her scars are completely random, except for her largest and least favorite. A large, X shaped, slash across her back. She got this one during The Riots and always said it was the second most disappointing thing she had ever done. Some of the more intentional permanent markings on Kylie are her various tattoos. She only has a few, but wants to get a lot more. Her first tattoo was a Sugar Skull, the mark of the Skulls, right above her left breast, on her collar. On the inside of her left wrist is a bird silhouette, and on her right there is a blacked out lighter. On her left shoulder there is a series of numbers: 4413 and on her right there is the profile of a blanked out face. She never told anyone, not even the Skulls, who is featured in the tattoo or what the numbers mean. The only thing Kylie really takes the time to make nice is her hair. Right after she joined the Skulls she bleached it then dyed it a dark green. She then cut it up as a symbolic way of getting rid of her past. Most of it is chopped up short, except for a section of hair closest to her forehead. This hair is always styled up in a pompadour using lots of gel and grease. [b]Attire:[/b] Leather. Like any good greaser Kylie always has one piece of leather clothing on her, almost always it's her leather jacket. She takes great pride in this jacket, and on the back of it is a highly detailed sugar skull with the word "Grease" underneath it in thick lettering. The rest of her clothes change from day to day. She normally wears, very tight, black skinny jeans with rips in the knees, and a white tee shirt with some sort of design or logo on it. Her earrings rarely change, six studs in each ear, but she does take them out to sleep, complaining that they dig into her if she sleeps on her side. She loves her accessories, wearing multiple rings on each finger, of different shapes, sizes and colors. She also proudly displays a nose stud and is planning many more piercings. On her feet are always a pair of grubby, converse style, sneakers that are so old and worn that their color is faded. [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [b]Outward & Innate Personality:[/b] On the outside Kylie likes to act like the bad ass chick she is. She refuses to take shit from anyone who is of lower rank then her. Kylie is extremely foul-mouthed (except around children and the elderly) and has the tendency to go into berserk rages. She is extremely loyal to the gang, ready to defend the weaker members to the death. This doesn't mean that she will outright hurt anyone who is not allied with the Skulls, unless you give her a reason or you are a cop. Kylie isn't the smartest person on the planet, and isn't good at quick comebacks, rather thinking with flying fists. Despite this rough and tough exterior, Kylie is not without her own personal weaknesses. She would never hurt a child or a lady, and would actually go out of her way to protect someone weaker then her. She also harbors a very dark inner secret that she refuses to tell anyone. This secret is extremely mentally taxing for her, and can cause her to physically freeze if she is reminded of it. An extremely hidden part of Kylie's personality is her over protectiveness over her friends, and especially Matt. To make up for events that took place prior to this RP Kylie often finds herself constantly wanting to know if Matt is safe, and that he is eating enough leafy greens to have healthy vision and digestion. And that he is having protected sex. [b]Hobbies/Interests:[/b] As if it wasn't obvious enough, Kylie loves motorcycles. Fixing them, riding them, slamming them into people she dislikes. She also loves hanging out with her friends, smoking, causing chaos and petting little animals. And video games. Nothing beats kicking Matt's ass at mario kart after a long day of drinking and beating people up. [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] Kylie has a few random talents, but nothing extremely out there. She is relatively good at some combat related things, she has good aim and knows how to throw a punch without breaking her fingers. But other then that she isn't too good at anything else, or at least nothing else that is not in relation to her powers. Where Kylie really excels is in her ability to keep a cool head when things are getting rough, being able to get her and her crew out of hairy situations with some choice words. She has also taken up graffiti art in recent years, as both a distraction and a time waster. [b]Prized Possession:[/b] A locket that never leaves her bedroom, the picture inside is of Kylie when she was young and another young girl next to her. [b]Quote(s):[/b] [i]“You startin' somethin'? You wanna fight? I'll take you anytime anywhere!"[/i] [i]“Hey Matt...do you think Skeleton still has a penis?"[/i] [i]“Matt...Holy fuck can giant lizards drink vodka?”[/i] [b]History/Bio:[/b] [hider=Letting you guys know now that the only people who know the complete history will be Skeleton and Damian, and maybe Whisper.] Kylie was born and raised in one of the poorest districts in Mendel. She never knew that at the time, as going to bed hungry was something she thought everyone felt. Kylie was always tough. She knew how to defend herself against the variety of strangers that lived in Louisiana. Once Kylie entered school she learned how different she was. She watched with empty eyes as the other kids ate their expensive lunches out of colorful containers. Kylie was often given a single ham and cheese sandwich for lunch. If she was lucky, ham and cheese was replaced with peanut butter and jelly. It was also during these tender years of youth that Kylie met the girl who would become her lifetime rival. A girl around her age named Mia. Although easily smitten by the girl, Kylie was also filled with jealously whenever she saw the girl. She presented herself with such beauty and grace, everything about her seemed amazing. And for this Kylie was jealous. She can easily remember a single interaction she had with Mia. It was right after a fight Kylie had gotten in with some boys who stole Kylie's skimpy lunch. As the boys ran off, bruised and with dented egos, Kylie made accidental eye contact with Mia. Kylie could remember wiping blood away from her gushing nose, feeling with her tongue a gap with a missing tooth, her heart swelled. It was all too strange for her.     Middle school brought about the most change. Kylie's parents decided to move their family from the dangerous district to a safer location, as Kylie's mother was again pregnant. When Kylie's new little sister was born, she swore to protect her with her life. As her little sister grew up Kylie knew she would need the protection. She had not been exposed to the dangers Kylie had. This little girl was so soft and innocent, and Kylie was more then happy to bust in some bully's heads to protect her little sister. She was happy to work for money just so she could eat more then cheese and ham sandwiches. The name Grace just fit her so well. School also brought about new friends. Peter Osten, Damian Sparks, and Amber Kiyoshi. They were all rough kids, like her, and she quickly clung to people who would understand their pain. Around this time she also discovered her powers, much to her fear and confusion. Her parents deeply resented Metas, they called them Freaks. She knew she would have to keep her powers a secret, only telling her friends and little sister. She also earned her first nickname with her new friends, they gently teased her love for product. Jokingly calling her Grease. It stuck pretty well. When the race riots started Grease was ready to aid her friends. She wanted to be there alongside Damian and Peter, the friends who helped her. Her parents, still oblivious to their daughters abilities, told her if she left to join the riots they would disown her. With confidence Grease walked out the door. She joined Peter and Damian throughout the fighting, learning quickly how destructive her powers truly were. During the riots, Grease discovered that her little sister had followed Grease. She had wanted to support her big sister. Grease discovered this a little too late, for as the young girl ran towards her big sister's outstretched arms, she was peppered by bullets. A normal human began to scream at a shocked Grease, about death to all freaks. The sound of a child's last breath was the loudest thing Grease had ever heard. The rest of the riots seemed like a blur to Grease, she mercilessly killed any human stupid enough to point a gun at her. And even after the riots died down, and Skeleton was rescued from the burning carnage by herself and Damian, a horrible feeling of guilt washed over her. At the time she had no one to blame but herself for the death of her little sister. Grease went off by herself for awhile after this, homeless and alone. She had no family and entered a deep depression. The alcoholism and drug abuse didn't seem to help at all. It didn't take the new and improved Skeleton and Damian long to find Grease, passed out in an alleyway with a drained alcohol bottle gripped tightly in her arms. After a bit of care and rehabilitation from Damian and Skeleton, Grease recovered. The three of them would move on to form one of the most feared gangs in Louisiana. Despite this she still was horribly depressed. She felt as if she ruined her one chance for a normal family relationship. She wanted to protect her little sister. Instead she got her killed. A new opportunity soon came for Grease when she learned about a meta kid in an adoption center. Matt was hardly a kid, but Grease felt immediate sibling connection. She attempted to adopt, but soon learned that a background check that included drugs, alcohol and gang activity made it pretty much impossible to adopt a minor. Determined, Grease began making money. She sent as much money as she could to the teen shelter, pretending to be an anonymous long lost family member, and what she couldn't send she saved. As soon as he was old enough to be let out, Grease went to recruiting. Grease would forever harbor the guilt and anger from that night of riots. But now she would use her anger as inspiration to protect her gang. She sees each and every Skull, no matter what rank, as a valued member of the team. Many of them were alone and desperate, kicked out of society for being different. She wants the Skulls to be a new home for them, albeit a strange one with a lot of alcohol, drugs, and swearing.[/hider] [b]Family:[/b] A mother and father who deserted her when her powers started showing, a younger sister who has long since passed. And Matt, the most important person Kylie calls her family. [b][u]Relationships[/u][/b] Matthew Evans | Light of my Life | Adopted little brother | “This kid is pretty much my greatest form of redemption. I love the little nerd more then anything, and I just wish he could live a normal life. Don't tell him, but I have a collection of cash starting for a college fund or something. | Skeleton | Great-Best Friend and Inspiration | Boss | “Skeleton is a really great guy, he is too hard on himself and others tend to be too judgmental. He has done more for me than I can ever repay him for. And for that I will follow his lead.” Damian Sparks | Great-Best Friend | Equal | "Damian, like Skeleton, is one of my closest friends. We started off as stupid kids together and now we have a gang. Seems like a good transition. He often joins me when I go off to spray paint cop cars." Titus | Okay-Meat Shield | Underling | “I really don't trust this kid at all. He thinks he is some hot shot, being a general bragger and flirt. I would kick his ass across the river, but Skeleton likes to keep him around as a tank.” Caden | Distrusted Creep | Fellow Leader who should be checked into a mental asylum | “Another guy I don't like, this one just makes my spine crawl. If he even thinks about looking at Matt in a weird way I'm kicking his shadowy ass.” Reiko | Trusted Friend | Motherly Type | “I really like Ms. Reiko, one of the only adults I would give my full trust to. We relate in a few different ways, and she is very kind. She is pretty much the mother I wish I had, and I'm sure other gang members agree.” Whisper | Ex-Friend | Went on to found the rival gang like a nerd | “Whisper seemed like a nice kid in highschool, but we do not see eye to eye now. Our views on metas and humans are too different. It’s a shame.” Mia | Childhood Rival | Potential Friend | “Mia and I...were pretty much rivals back in grade school. I was always jealous of her and I was too much of a punk to try and understand her point of view. I hope she is doing well.” [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Plasma_Manipulation]Plasma Manipulation[/url] [b]Power Class:[/b] Elemental/Energy(?) [b]Power:[/b] Sometimes called Plasma Projectiles, Grease can release plasma attacks of various shapes and intensities. She can fire these out of the palms of her hands as projectiles and beams or, in a way, surround herself in plasma as part of melee attacks. The longer she waits and stores up energy before an attack, the more powerful it will be. Quicker blasts take less time to release, but are much lower in energy and thus, less powerful. I also stole some attack ideas from the superpower wiki, just to give me some ideas. Hand Blasts: Release plasma blasts from hands. Plasma Ball Projection: Create and launch spheres of plasma. Plasma Beam Emission: Release beams of plasma. Plasma Blast: Release plasma over a specific target area. Plasma Bolt Projection: Release low powered projectiles of plasma. Plasma Breath: Discharge plasma from mouth. Plasma Bullets: Fire in short sequence over a wide area. Wave Motion Blast: Launch a massive wave of plasma. [b]Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks:[/b] Grease's biggest weakness comes from herself. When she is angry, and she often is during a battle, she finds it difficult to control her abilities. This can lead to herself and her allies getting burned as well as a lot of unwanted destruction. Overcharging herself like this can lead to her "shorting out" her abilities. Using too many large bursts of plasma can lead to Grease getting exhausted as well, and she can rarely find the balance between short bursts and large attacks. Grease's lack of control can also mess her up outside of battle, as firing off plasma sometimes becomes an involuntary action. She has been known to release zaps when she sneezes and glow when she is pissed. It's also now cannon that whenever Grease uses her plasma abilities in combat her hair glows like [url=http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20081111121352/kirby/en/images/9/90/Plasma.png]plasma Kirby[/url] [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] Kylie lives in an apartment away from the Skulls headquarters. The apartment isn't all that nice, but its enough for Matt and her as well as Matt's pet lizard. The apartment has two bedrooms, a little kitchenette full of vodka and a living room type area with a TV and couch. Kylie's landlord is absolutely terrified of the two. [b][u]Grease's Theme:[/u][/b] [youtube]FTvu5HB_Y6k[/youtube]