At the head table, Dignatia absentmindedly moved her food around her plate struggling to wake up. Avis Verdis, her pet conure, sat on her shoulder, preening her hair and making happy chirping noises. Dignatia stopped moving her food every now and again to give Dis a small piece of French toast, or to take a bite herself. The first month of the year was going fairly well, although there were the usual tensions between students, there had yet to be any explosions. She had high hopes for some of her students, within her house and otherwise. She considered getting up when she noticed Mr. Fletchers' somewhat sloppy appearance, but before she could do more that think of ways to tactfully suggest that his appearance was a reflection on his house, Mr. Stuart apparently said something to him about it, as Fletchers got up and left. When he returned, he was appropriately dressed, although not a great deal tidier. She watched the conversation between the two boys, although she made certain not to stare. She was hopeful that perhaps Fletchers might befriend Stuart. It would be beneficial to both boys. Fletchers would get a bit more used to wizarding manners and standards of appearance, and Stuart would hear about muggles in a more positive light then the nonsense he was potentially getting at home, as well as being a bit less isolated. When Stuart stormed off she winced, and asked Dis "Do you suppose we should go see what Mr. Fletchers said to upset him?" When Dis eagerly bobbed her head up and down, Dignatia nodded. "You're right, as Head of House I have a duty prevent quarrels from getting to far out of control. " Having successfully justified her curiosity, she waited a few moments, before getting up and heading after Mr. Stuart.