"Open your eyes, little fox." A grim voice spoke. Even though Nicoleta did so, it seemed no light came. Everything was just so dark and cold, like a freezing desert night. A bright flash split across her view suddenly, causing her to squint and try to look away. "Who's there?" She called out to the light. Her arm reached out towards it and she suddenly found her hand around Gale's handle, the blade stuck into the ground in front of her. She was on the ground as well, on her hands and knees. [i]Is this a dream?[/i] she asked herself, gazing upwards. She got sight of the blood view that was all too well ingrained into her mind. Friends she knew, the residents from around her city, all laying dead as they were strewn all about. She tried to stand up, however became aware that she herself was in no good condition and felt her stomach fold over on itself. She coughed up a glob of blood, losing the strength to stay on her hands and knees. "Why?" She asked the world around her, the dream state. "Why now?" Her eyes drifted upwards again and she was now staring at herself, the bloodied Faunus scared and battered, leaning up against a tree. The familiar figure of Master Preiss came into view around the tree, speaking with her. And yet, something felt off. It was as if her mind was trying to tell her something. She shook it off, standing up through the pain. She began to approach herself and her mentor. As she approached them, their heads slowly turned to her, almost in a possessed way. Blood began to leak from their eyes as they began to repeat the same sentence, only one meaning. "They Will Die." The world erupted into fire as she came to the conclusion. "You're just a dream." She felt the tingling and feeling began to return to her. Her eyes slowly creaked open, staring into the broken rafters above her. Her aura flickered and spit, coming back into existence as a blaze and she began to sit up with a sigh. They were gathered in a small shack now, walls partially mostly in piece, however allowing a small draft through every once in a while.