[b]James MacFusty[/b] Jimmy sauntered into the hall, oozing confidence and the smell of roses from his pores. The malfunction of the charm had begun to tickle his nose and clog up his throat with the cloying scent of the flowers. At some point on his trip down the stairs he had definitely started to regret being a wizard, and more than that breaking the first rule his parents had taught him: never, ever, ever cast a spell that you don't know. And there were the Gryffindor girls! Adelie at the table – she'd probably laugh at him being caught by the Headmaster after his ritual morning flight. In all the time he'd at Hogwarts and used that particular secret staircase, he'd never had the misfortune of encountering Professor Gurgenhiem. Wait, she was standing already? Did he miss breakfast? Without so much as a hello, Jimmy warned Adelie to, “Wait, wait...” as he ran towards the Gryffindor's table, grabbing an apple – two, after a moment's hesitation – and returned to Adelie and Evanora. “Mornin',” he greeted in between bites of apple.