Celeste found herself resting atop a random building in the little city of Cherryville. The building was the only diner in Cherryville. Soon as she rest there, swinging her legs back and forth a police officer approached her. "Hey you! Get down from there and get inside. You have heard the Ebola announcement right?" The officer's partner slowly started walking up behind him. Two officers? She was in trouble now, but they also said something about Ebola. Did some stupid announcement say that that someone nearby had that dumb disease? Oh well, as far as Celeste cared, that disease was just another stupid AIDS thing that would blow over soon. "Sorry I will come down and 'get inside'." She said sarcastically. She might as well go find out what was causing all the ruckus. "You and your partner don't need to get me in trouble, I am on my way down." As Celeste said that the officer seemed confused and began to turn around. Just as he started to turn, the other officer lunged at him, trying to bite at him. Celeste was horrified and stood up, wanting to run but she seemed stuck looking on at the gross scene. "Run girl! Ebola is infecting everyone! God help us!" That was the officer's last statement as the other one was now atop him feasting on his face. Celeste had a horrified look on her face as she watched. A disgusting feeling in her stomach. It wasn't until the now dead officer begin to stand that she turned away. She had to get back home, unfortunately her parents were out of town. Luckily she lived right near the diner, but she had to run past the officers. They shambled pretty slowly so she hopped down from the building when they were still entangled atop each other. Running inside, she locked all the doors, grabbed her climbing ice axe, and flipped on the television to hear the same horrific statement the man had said. "God save us...."