Noah wouldn't consider himself a timid or shy guy by any means. He went on his fair share of dates, and had never had a problem asking a girl to spend time with him before. Then again, he had never dreamed of asking a girl like Charlotte on a date. He wouldn't admit that out loud, of course, because he understood how easy it would be for her to take it the wrong way. In reality, he was intrigued by her, and though he may not have known much about her as of yet, she had surprised him more than once already in a short period of time, and he knew he couldn't judge her. After all, she wasn't judging him. "Yeah?" His brows raised when she agreed to go out with him, and he couldn't help but smile a little. Somehow, simply standing next to Charlotte made him feel as though he was standing taller. He felt like maybe passers by were looking at him as more than some common, stupid thug, just because he was with her, and she practically exuded class. He wasn't using her by any means, but...he found himself proud just to be there with her. He loved his friends, and family to death - but they were all pure Bostonians through and through, and while Noah would never show anything but pride for the way he grew up, there were times where he wanted something more than the cards he'd been dealt in life. Somehow, even being with Charlotte made him feel like he was a part of something different for a moment. Noah's life was actually fairly simple, and straight-forward. He worked, spent time with friends, or spent time alone. Maybe that was everyone's agenda in one way or another, but it wasn't hard for him to make himself available at any given time. "How 'bout tomorrow night?" He suggested with a casual shrug. "I can even drive out to pick you up, if ya want. Getting lost in the city is one thing during the day. It's...pretty different for a pretty girl at night." As the line moved slowly a few paces, he shook his head. "This is bullshit." He managed a slight laugh, just noticing how many people were there, simply not getting anywhere. "I promise it's not this boring."