Slytherin Girls Dorm-6:40 am Stretching out underneath her sheets rubbing the sleep out of her eyes Esme sat up. Looking around at the other beds she saw all the other girls beds were empty 'last again' she thought to herself. Stepping out of bed she grabbed her robes out of her wardrobe and she quickly changed into them. Looking at her reflection in the mirror her hair was flat quickly running her hands though her hair she made it scruffy and messy just the way she liked it. Quickly brushed her teeth before rushing out so she could get breakfast. Great Hall Quickly making her way over to the Slytherin table she grabbed two slices of eggy bread and stuffed streaky bacon in between them. She then proceeded to wolf the sandwich down not wanting to be late for Hagrid's special lecture. What could his new pet be the excitement was almost killing her. Looking around she didn't see anyone in particular she wanted to speak to but that wasn't surprising since her social circle was very small. 'Maybe I should try making some new friends' thinking to herself she sighed. At that point she smelt the overwhelming smell of roses enter the room. Looking around she tried to locate the smell but she couldn't find it. Then a Gryffindor boy walked past her and she could tell it was coming from him. In fact she recognised him he was James MacFusty, he was part of the Gryffindor Quiddict team. She couldn't hold back her laughter as it just burst out of her. A few moments later she managed to stifle her laughter and compose herself. She had to know who did this to him and what spell was used so she could us it in one of her pranks and find out who pranked him as no one was stupid enough to do something like this to themselves. She walked over to the Gryffindor stood behind a lightly tapped him on the shoulder "excuse me could you tell me why you smell like roses" she asked giving him her most friendly smile.