Tide stayed quiet, enjoying his breakfast leaning against one of the heavy struts that supported the cargo ramp, watching the latest arrival with interest. He finished his sandwich, and then picked up his coffee from where he'd balanced it on a railing, just in time to nearly have it knocked out of his hand by Scott. "Whoa, easy fella!" he exclaimed, snatching his cup out of the way. Sipping steaming hot coffee, he made his way up the ramp and into the cargo bay, keeping an eye on Scott, who seemed determined to start a fight with half the crew within minutes of arriving. He glanced around the large, almost empty room. There was no cargo to speak of, other than three small crates in one corner, so it looked like this wasn't going to be a delivery mission. That had to be a good thing - no cargo meant there shouldn't be anyone trying to take if off them as soon as they broke orbit. Hidden away in the corner near the crates, he noticed a stack of deck chairs. He made his way over, set his coffee down on one of the crates, dropped his pack onto the floor, and pulled out a chair. He kicked it open, set it down in the corner where it faced out into the cargo bay, and sat down to drink his coffee. Sitting there watching the crew, Tide's eye was caught by the silent, brooding figure of Pascal Souchon. While the rest of the crew were getting along in their own way, this man seemed distracted and distant. On some shelving behind the crates were a few games, including some packs of cards. He took one of the packs from a shelf, and cracked it open. "Hey, Pascal," he shouted across the room, holding up the cards, "Don't suppose you know any good games do you?" He leant back in his hair, sipping his coffee and watching the crew. He wasn't entirely convinced there wasn't about to be bloodshed, and he wanted to be ready if there was. Possibly ready to get the hell out of there if the psyches were involved... but ready none-the-less.