[hider=What kind of Archer Am I again?] Name Rion Nullveil --- Race Elf --- Gender Male --- Age 190-ish Appearance [img=http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/167/0/1/FEZ_archer_by_onestepart.jpg] --- Height 5'2 --- Weight 125 lbs --- Class: Elvish -------> Monk -------> Zen Archer (Primary) \------->Archer ------> Arcane Archer (Secondary) --- Skills Rion is a monk who uses ki to sometimes preform his attack. Ki is a energy source within the monk that always him and other monks to preform other feats that may seem impossible for the regular person to do. However what separates him from the other monks is that he is not master at hand-to-hand combat, his skill in hand-to-hand combat is reduced severely from a normal monk. But his unarmed combat is still quite capable to handle other people if needed to but it isnt his most favorable kind of weapon to use against others. Instead of his mastery in unarmed combat, he makes up for that weakness by his skill in archery and the skills he can preform within that category. For instance he can allow his ki enhance his arrow making them fly truer and harder than a normal archer could do. Rion also has a preternatural awareness that allows him to dodge a attack even though he isn't aware of it, but it is a uncommon occurrence during battle and happens rarely when it is needed. Although his Ki skills are different from a normal monks, they all benefit him when he uses his archery as well as outside of it as well. He is quite skilled in using his ki very offensively with his archery as it is the only way he deals large amounts of damage to his enemies. As such, much of his ki skills have some sort of connection to his archery combat. Outside of archery combat, his ki skills are mostly utility helping him reach a better position to then once again use his archery skills. Besides that his ki skills aren't really that offensive, but they do have some defense skills with them, just not a lot. His ki reserve is also been naturally adapted to withstand heavy usage of ki in short amount of time making Rion resistant from exhaustion due to rapid ki usage. Besides his Ki skills, being a elf has granted Rion enhanced magical prowess that had allowed him to incorporate it in his archery, but he is quite unskilled with it as he has much to learn, but he still has time to do so. As a passive ability that he has, every arrow that he fires it becomes a enchanted one making it more sturdy but not gaining any weight of any kind. His abilities as a arcane archer will grow, and so will his current abilities making him stronger the more he uses and study his art. He can combined this passive with his ki skills if he wishes. Outside of his Ki and Archery, Rion is a adept medical practitioner but not a full fledged doctor yet. He is also a novice herbalist, and can create solutions to heal wounds up depending on how big they are. He can also diagnose common symptoms for illnesses with some concentration and time. Then he can create a remedy to help aid the body in ridding the illness. His skill in identifying plants is also a good thing to have as he can collect materials to use as medicine along the way to help remove small nusicanes like headaches or like sleep deprivation. Outside the plants, he can sew up large wounds as big wounds as long as they arent too big. He can also help make splints and other things to assist the proper healing of the body if he doesnt have any medicine to help. Also by being a herbalist, has allowed him to as well go into the hobby of being a botanist. Enjoying the company of flowers and what uses they have. He can also study flowers to find any special properties with the flowers. From studying the flower he can also see what kind of environment the flower might of grown in, if it was picked. --- Weaponry - Rion has a longbow made from a special wood which halves its original weight. - During melee combat, Rion has a wooden Quarter Staff that is slight beat up but it looks really sturdy and can take up a lot of beating. --- Other equipment - He has a backpack on him with waterskin, one day's trail rations, bedroll, sack and flint and steel. Along with him are 3 torches, 2 sets of clothing and a few miscellaneous things that are placed in other places. --- Apparel - A Traveling Cloak with a hood and enforced with several layers of cloth to provide protection from weather. - He wears cloth armor that is too, reinforced with several other layers of cloth which provides the maximum amount of protection without hindering the movement allowing the armor to be fluid and loose. --- Personality Rion is a calm and quite person who doesnt like being the center of attraction and if possible far from interaction of others if possible. He prefers to work alone when fighting but he can work with a small group of others. He although seems like a mostly nonsocial and cold person, he honestly is not... for the most part... but he likes helping out other people and tending to their wounds when he has the time. His compassion is often related to his way of protecting allies during combat removing focus of enemies off his allies onto him, before escaping. He is often the last one to get out of the battle being usually the last to hold off the enemies while his allies escape as well, knowing that his allies have a more better chance of escaping if he helped out stall the enemies. Outside of combat, doing the medical work is one of the thing that he does and tends to the wounds of his allies often, making sure nothing is wrong with them from what he sees. --- Bio Rion was raised in a monastery, quite a unusual place for a elf to be born in but it happened never the less. There at the monastery, he was taught the ways of the monk using only the weapons he was provided with since birth, his own. With his hands he trained and trained but instead he found something better, he discovered that archery was another thing that was taught as had joined it. It was like a calling to him that he should practice archery, and indeed it was fun for him to practice it. He quickly caught onto the ways of how the bows worked and how to fire them. Then latter they taught him how to use his ki to help fire his arrows and do amazing things that helped him strike down his target. However his other talent awakened, his racial talent for the arcane art, he soon discovered that he was able to produce mysterious effects not by his ki which he had fully understand to use by a young age. Upon questioning his teachers he had found out he was preforming magic unconsciously and asked if any of the teachers could help him control his newly awakened ability. Several of his teachers at the monastery used to be mages and had granted Rion some help into the education of the arcane art, the basics really. There they had helped controlled his magical prowess. But, doing so wasnt so easy as Rion's magical ability far surpassed his Ki ones, but he wasnt as merely interested in them, compared to his Ki abilities which he worked so hard on. Over the year he indeed had experimented with his arcane abilities learning that the arrows that he had fired had been enchanted by his arcane energy unconsciously flowing into his arrows knowing that it was his passion. Although he did dabble in the small aspects of magic he never got farther than using his magic to jump higher and higher or fall down more slowly. When he reached maturity he decided that he wanted to leave the monastery, knowing that living in the monastery for his entire life didnt seem such a appealing idea to him and decided that he wanted to see what was outside. His teacher on the other hand werent so adamant about his decision and decided if he could pass through them he could go. It took him only 2 tries to get through them, the first he was overwhelmed by all his teachers coming onto him and had stalled them out studying their skills individually, mostly using evasive tactics to stall out the battle before he forfeited so that he could train himself some more to prepare against his masters. On the second try he had been able to get through most of his teacher's techniques and beaten them with some difficulty. Although he did make it through and was allowed to leave the monastery but he was offered the chance to come back anytime. That was however many years ago... --- [/hider]