Name: Hania Faye Age: 12 Appearance: Hania stands roughly five foot tall and her auburn-brown hair falls just short of her shoulders. Her cheeks are rosy and host freckles which dart across the bridge of her nose. Her eyes are a gentle, warming hazelnut brown and her eyebrows are thin and well-kept, her eyelashes long and full, and her teeth are remarkably unsullied. Her stature is thin, childish; though not robust, it’s certainly not frail either. Her skin is fair and radiates in good health. Her fingernails are trimmed somewhat orderly and are host to no grime. Her breasts are small, budding, implying several months time since menarche. She wears a white nightgown and appears to have been brought in the middle of the night. The gown is modest and reaches down to maxi length. She wears no shoes and clings tightly to a small rabbit with small black buttons for eyes and cotton for flesh. Around her neck is a rosary with, ironically, a rose attached to the center of it as if it were a piece of common jewelry. It’s shiny, though one would be a fool to believe it were worth any amount of coinage considering the strong smell of steel it gives off. Occupation: Cleric History & Personality: Hania is a rather excitable, mischievous youth even when she tries her best not to. She’s often the prioress’ first choice if there’s a menial chore to be done, since she’s so often in need of punishment. She doesn’t take it personally and has found a solace in putting her energy towards something productive as cleaning. This same energy is the reason she knows so little in her academics. She’s practically unteachable when she’d rather be doing something else- which happens to be every time someone tries to tutor her. She can count on her fingers and write down a few words but beyond that she’s pretty much useless for anything intellectual. She’s very difficult to put in a sour mood. The sisters find it disheartening sometimes how easily she takes their punishments. This stubbornness of hers makes her seem vacant or disconnected to what’s going on around her. If there’s one thing though that is her weakness- it’s the dark.. and spiders. The sisters have been catching on to this and threatening to have her clean the ill-lit corners of the abbey to keep her from doing things she shouldn’t and so far, it’s worked pretty well. As one would expect from a cleric, Hania is particularly pious and believes fully in her doctrines. She doesn’t take criticism well, since she has little to base an argument on; in fact, directly challenging her faith is one of the few things that will break her down. Over time, Hania has seen her fair share of wounded warriors and the like taking asylum in the abbey’s arms. She’s never learned much about healing, other than extremely basic first-aid, though she seems to have been desensitized to the everyday gore of medieval life.