'I'm BORED!" The tiny snow elf fwumped back into her chair as the carriage continued it's boring journey, to the boring college, in the middle of boring nowhere! Of course Pyx wasn't going to complain too much. Someone would eventually have to let her out, then the fun can resume! As the carriage continued it's journey, Pyx's wrists began to itch. The trickster began to fiddle with the heavy chains, eventually wondering what would happen if she forced a ball of air commonly used to propel herself into a lock. Laughing softly as she selected the shackle around her left ankle, because if she somehow blew her foot off; she wouldn't miss her left foot as much, right? Focusing her magic into the lock, she created a small orb of air. To most, it would look as if she was staring into nothing. While Pyx could see the air dancing about her as if they were orbs of light. The first orb was not much bigger then an apple, Pyx compared the orb to the lock. "Too big...that maaay not be a smart idea..." To shrink the orb of air into a smaller more compact form took a great amount of concentration, for a few moments, the orb began to flicker. The same as trying to contain a whirlwind with a butterfly net. Due to a mixture of elfy luck, and Pyx's extraordinary ability to not blow herself up, she was successful in reducing the size of the orb to not much bigger then a grape, Pyx measured the mote of air to the lock. "That works!" Stuffing the orb into the lock, the metal contraption already began to shudder, trying to bottle the mini-mote of air seemed to be difficult already. Pyx closed her eyes, muttering a prayer to any god of luck that was paying attention and cared for the elf's left foot. With the final syllable, the mote detonated. There was a hollow pop as the lock was forced open. Cheering, Pyx removed the shackle off her first limb. "Teach those stuffy elves to think they'd keep me from busting out! I only broke out of the first carriage because they thought I'd do it...yeesh!" Pyx continued to babble to whatever forces would listen. Her right leg was freed with a short pop in mere moments. Next were her wrist shackles; Pyx absently chewed her lip as she began to tug at the chains holding her arms in place. She could use the grape sized motes to pop the air, but this carriage was her familie's. Maybe she should ensure a little more entertainment for the poor driver that has to take it back... Giggling, Pyx created two larger motes of air. she placed them beside each of the heavy bolts that held her chains to the carriage. "This is going to be great, if I do this right I'll propel myself out of this stuffy carriage, and then I'll get myself to the College on my own! Pyx rubbed her hands in excitement at this challenge. Lowering her goggles, because "safety is important", or at least Pyx didn't want to blind herself again. Last time she tried this, she ended up being blinded by a salted caramel creation by her chef. As Pyx readied the motes to detonate, she was startled by the sound of the door opening. "Miss Pyx, we are at Twilight College. I hope you're not too offended by..." the driver's statement was interrupted by the snow elf's focus being shattered. Instead of propelling her out the window, she found herself being launched at the open door, crashing into the startled driver and past the front gates of Twilight College. The tiny elf got some rather impressive air time before crashing into several mages and at the feet of what can almost be considered someone of importance. Nobody that grouchy could be not important, right? "Hi, umm would you believe I had a really good idea that the driver of the carriage ruined for me? I'm a new student here, there's a complex elfy name that I really don't like pronouncing. So just call me Pyx!" She smiled nervously, as several of the mages who'd been so nice to break her fall began to get to their feet. "Oh fudge..."