Hey Jinxer and Lillium and everyone! So I was thinking that Atticus has in his possession (inside the duffel bag stuffed with caaaash), several documents detailing the 'House of Powers Project' (or whatever it would be called). These would be co-drafted works by Atticus and Mari's fathers who worked together to create the initial experimental facilities for studying unnaturals (aka House of Powers) with Mari's dad being the chief scientist and Atticus' being the one handling the government funding, regulation, cover up, ect. Along with these documents would be a flashdrive, heavily encoded, that maybe would hold plans for a NEW facility; one far more advanced (and more horrifying) than the previous ones. If at some point the contents of this bag come to light (Atticus probably wouldn't show them outright) then I thought maybe Julius would be the one to break the encoding and reveal the project! (bum bum buuuuum!) Anyway, just an idea! I didn't want to jack your thread or anything (super happy to have been invited, btw) but I thought it could be a fun/interesting idea in the works for whenever. :)