Leon was waling out f the kitchen area when he saw one of the other remaining firefighters in the building, a woman named Maria Rodriquez , limping and cursin as she walked away from the main door. "Jesus Maria what happened to you?" He said taking her arm over his shoulder and walking her to the couch to sit down. "I was outside taking a smoke break, and some old woman fell right in front of me. I tried helping her up and the bitch bit my leg!" She seethed as Leon set her down and started examining the bite. It wasn't deep but it was still bleeding."Voight's out there dealing with her now. He sent me inside before I curbstomped her into the ground." "I'll go get the first-aid kit and we'll bandage that right up. In the meantime just sit here and get comfortable." He said walking back to the kitchen to get the first-aid kit there. Little did he know that the old woman who had bit Maria had already killed Voight, and that he was stuck inside with a veritable time bomb.