The man waited for what seemed like hours on the tv to give information on what was going on, but all he got was static. Finally he could not take being kept in the dark anymore and decided to venture out to the town to get some answers. "Damn! Of all the times for an emergency to happen, it had to be when I came home for vacation" he thought to himself. He tucked his gun in the back of his pants and went up to his room to get some spare clips of ammunition. "Better go out the back door" he said. As soon he opened he could hear what sounded like moaning and something being eaten. He took a peek over the fence to find someone eating what looked to be a corpse and in terror he hid back down gagging at what he had just seen. "What the fuck was that?!" To avoid being eaten he decided to hop over the side of the fence and head to the fire station. The seemed clear as he made his way there