[b][u]Massacred Village[/u][/b] As the group continued talking and essentially ignoring his ‘royal’ commands, the boy visibly frothed at the mouth, his mouth working rapidly but no sound coming out.. His eyes bulged and his face and neck turned a deep crimson red. Suddenly his head snapped to the side, looking towards something only he could see. “Be quiet Mama! I told you over and over again that this was for the greater good of the village, you should know this! Oh, don’t you give me that father. You were the one who originally gave me these values anyways! Sis stop crying, you were only going to get married off to someone you hated anyway!” He continued like this, arguing with his family members, while Althalus (who looked visibly shocked and shaken), glanced at Grey and then at the boy. “Y…yeah, yeah. I could probably hit him from here, but I can’t promise that he won’t bleed out before you get to him. Crossbow bolts have a nasty habit of ripping through the body of whoever they’re fired at.” He gave a smile, but it was clear that it was arbitrary at best and his mind was on something else entirely. Around that time, the boy’s attention snapped back to the group. “So first you ignore my decrees, and now you plot to kill me and loot my kingdom! You’re just like the rest of them! Liars, murderers, and thieves! I couldn’t defend my kingdom then, but I can now!” He stood fully in front of the window, and it was clear immediately that he was caked with dried blood from the neck down, especially on his hands. It was also apparent that there was a wood axe in his hands. Oddly enough, there was a sparkling silver ring that was immaculately clean on the hand holding the axe. The boy made a sweeping gesture in front of him, with the axe, and spoke. For the first time his voice was stable and sounded almost sane, if it wasn’t for what he said. “Subjects! Loyal servants of my Kingdom! Rise! I command you to rise!” He swept forward in front of him again, and his eyes suddenly blazed with a purple light. Althalus blanched and took a step back. “Rise and [b]KILL THEM ALL![/b]” Their guide, who had up until this point been silent, suddenly started shouting, “He’s a Necromancer! Kill him! Fucking kill him!” Althalus didn’t move. He just stared at the purple light exuding from the boy’s eyes. Their guide yanked the crossbow out of his grasp and fired it at the window. It was too late, however, as the boy was already gone. The crossbow bolt merely shattered through the glass. All around the group, the dead began stirring, picking themselves up and what weapons they could. Any piece of a corpse that could move, began heading towards the group. Perhaps most troubling was the experienced way the more conventional weapons were held. Anything that wasn’t already an effective weapon was abandoned for one that was, or made into one. There was a dull thunk from behind the door to the house. The three Yarosmerian soldiers picked themselves up and experimentally waved their blades, approaching the group. The corpse one Coco was currently poking suddenly grabbed her spear, her half eaten face glaring up at the Foreas. “What the hell do you think you’re doing, poking me like that?” She proceeded to try and yank the spear from Coco’s grasp. Their guide looked about. “Okay, bad news: We’re surrounded by a couple hundred, give or take, Undead who can’t be killed, who are also appear to be experienced soldiers. Bits and pieces of corpses that can move are also coming for us. The door to the only house is probably barred, with a madman and most likely more inside. Good news: if we kill the boy, all of the Undead will return to normal corpses.” Althalus shook himself, prying his eyes away from where the boy used to be. “Okay, so that means that you should probably start kicking in the door, guardsman. You know, before we’re all brutally ripped to shreds by undead villagers.” He slapped Grey on the shoulder. The Yarosmerian soldier with the blade spoke, “No hard feelings, right? We can’t resist compulsion.” Then he swung his blade at Leith. The rest of the undead began attacking. Althalus dropped the crossbow, drawing a knife. “Kick down the door. Kick it down now.”