[b]Jordan Mason[/b] Near the end of the third chapter of her book, Jordan heard a cough followed by her name. It gave her pause and she looked up from the words that had kept her attention, her eyes widening slightly at the sight of the head of the Ravenclaw house. She closed her book and fixed her glasses, a clear indication of her nerves. Despite being in her final year at Hogwarts, Jordan was still highly insecure of her status, especially since Draven used her old surname. Dammit, the pang of loss still stung, but she pushed it down and offered him a shaky smile. "Good morning, sir, but it's only Mason now. The Latner family would have me hunted down if I continued using their name." She looked around for the first time since she'd opened the book and saw that more students were milling around, talking animatedly with their friends as they hurried to their destinations. Jordan would wager that they were headed to the Great Hall to grab a bite to eat. She herself was headed there despite not being hungry at all, but now that she thought about it, perhaps the Great Hall wouldn't be the best place for some reading. She wouldn't be able to focus with all the ruckus of the different houses combined. Maybe she would see Hagrid to hang out at his hut and sneak a preview of the creature he would be showing later. With that in mind, Jordan turned her attention back to Draven. "Are you heading to the Great Hall, sir?" she inquired, looking around the place. "Or the Headmaster's office?" That made her halt her train of thought. What in Merlin's name was she doing in the hallway to the Headmaster's office?