Alex passed Elise and gave her a big smile and wave "Morning. I'll see you in the kitchen shortly." Alex kept moving, in a hurry to finish her task and get back to meet up with the group. She had an announcement for them and wanted to catch them all in the kitchen, hopefully devouring her healthy breakfast. >>>>>>>>>>> Sean had served himself a plate of egg whites and turkey bacon with slices of c antelope. He looked at the plate dismally, probably standing there and staring at it for too long, before the others began to enter the kitchen and distract him from his frail breakfast. Alex meant well but she was known for being the health nut in the firehouse, berating anyone drinking a soda, even if it was diet, and making way too healthy meals when she got her hands on the kitchen. Thankfully it was mostly her nagging on healthy eating that the house had to worry about because the candidate normally cooked. Sean looked to Colin as he entered. Colin was Alex's ying to her yang. Alex was always full of energy and bubbly when she wasn't barking orders. Even when she demanded respect, she got it with a lot of love back. It was hard not to like Alex and she seemed always to be in a good mood. Colin was not. He was aloof and standoffish, at least to Sean, and he hadn't been able to get to know him very well yet. Perhaps an overbearingly healthy breakfast might help break through that ice. "Morning" he replied, watching as Colin grabbed his breakfast and went straight away to the dining room table to eat. Sean exhaled deeply, looking back down at his food, but before he could decide if he would try and strike up a conversation with Colin he saw Elise enter the kitchen. [i]"Breakfast burger?" [/i] "Elise you are a gift from God." With a sigh of relief he dropped his plate of health fluff on the counter and stepped forward to Elise. He scooped up her face in his hands and leaned forward, kissing her square in the center of her forehead. "I love you" he said, with too much passion for a just the gift of a burger. He took the burger she offered and ripped open the package, the once encased smell of pure delight now wafting over his face. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply before opening them again and pulling the burger up to his lips for a large bite. In a muffled sound full of burger he groaned "Oh my God, it's so good." He grinned, keeping his lips closed as he finished the far to big of a bite he chomped down on. [i]So, how was your break anyway? Been a while since I saw you around here."[/i] Elise asked. [i]“Yeah, Sean, how was your break?” Gabrielle asked, rounding the corner just in time to hear Elise asking.[/i] After swallowing his bite so he could speak clearly, he nodded to Gabrielle as she joined them, giving her a smile. "Hey, thanks. It was great. I went to three of the local schools and gave some talks about fire safety and what we do in the fire house. You should have seen the looks on these kids' faces when I shared some of our stories with them. The look of pure awe and inspiration! I have everything I need to bring to Chief to get his help in setting up some visits for the schools to come to our firehouse to get more hands on, full visual learning. I visited my parents for a bit too, they loved having so much time with me, and hung with some buddies from training. But I'm glad to be back. I probably did more drinking than I should have too so I'll need to get back in shape." He took another large bite of his burger, half because it was just so damn good, and half because he felt guilty for avoiding Alex's breakfast and wanted to finish it before she returned. He turned to Elise and held up what was left of the burger, his mouth still full as he said in his muffled tone "I owe you", smiling with his cheeks full of satisfaction. He lead Elise with him over to join Colin and Gabrielle, sitting down to finish his burger. "So, what have you guys been up to? Anything exciting I should know about or get caught up on?" He looked around the table at them all.