[hider=Mel]Name – Melerindalowen ("Mel" for short) Race – Elf Gender – Female Age – 304 Appearance – [img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/260/8/3/maelestriale___dnd_character_by_noiprox-d6lvkwi.jpg[/img] Height – 5'5'' Weight – 119 Class – Druid Skills - An unnaturally gifted learner and just over three hundred years of experience, Mel has memorized volumes of knowledge concerning nature, animals, and the extent of her own magical prowess. She is good at identifying plants and just properties those plants might have. For animals, Mel can identify nimal tracks, sounds, anatomy, and sometimes even feces to determine just what animal is nearby. Powers - Mel has three schools of magical talent but they vary in her skill level. First and foremost, Mel is absolutely gifted Elementalist, capable of calling forth the four elements to maim, burn, freeze, drown, help, and support anyone who Mel wants. She isn't the greatest by any means but she is capable of higher level elemental magic. Secondly, Mel has skill in Restoration. Although opportunities to use it rarely came but this school is one Mel has great interest to improve upon as of late. Lastly, Mel is a good shapeshifter, even though she doesn't like it. She can turn into lesser natural beasts of the wild like a wolf, deer, owl, etc and some unnatural ones. However despite her love of nature, she hates becoming the various beasts as she feels she loses herself bit by bit to animal instinct, making her feel primal, basic, and worst of all, savagery. Weaponry – Outside of her metal staff, she has a crudely made bone knife. She relies more on her magic than any weapon. Other equipment - Mel doesn't carry much outside of a few plants, charms, and trinkets. The only practical things she carries is large bear skin to sleep on and keep herself warm in and a pair of moccasins to put on when snow, ice, hot, or jagged terrain are beneath her feet. Apparel – As pictured, Mel prefers to not wear much. She generally has an interest in wearing obscure articles of clothing as well as various pieces of jewelry and the like she has collected, making her stick out pretty well in a crowd. For the cold, she wears that great big bear skin as a cloak and a pair of moccasins to cover her feet from the snow. Outside of that, she claims the cold never bothered her. (Note: No demonic hand) Personality - If Mel's personality was to be summed up in one word: Eccentric would probably be first word you would think. She hasn't really had a lot of people experience in her lifetime so she doesn't really know how to act in a civil or formal setting. Simple pleasantries such as greetings don't really happen, although she is trying to amend that. She doesn't know how to behave and will just act on instinct as she has her whole life. Childish wouldn't be the best way to put her behavior but rather ignorant would be a better word because she does really want to sort of fit in to the modern world. She is curious more than anything about just how civility and people work. Bio – Even at birth, Mel was always separated from cities and people in favor of a more untamed and natural setting. Her father was a druid of the wild while her mother was never really there. Some images of what she might have been like pop in her head but over all, her mother was absent from her life. This left Mel and her father to wander the various landscapes together, alone and separated from everyone else. For two decades this was the case and everything Mel learned, she learned from her father in that time span. What she didn't learn but wanted to, was other people. Every time a city, town, or just a traveling company was spotted, her father stopped her. He claimed that they were poisonous and harmful to there existence. Mel always refused to believe that and she still wanted that chance to see what other people were like... she got her chance only a decade after her 200th birthday. A division of mage hunters had been hunting Mel's father for years now. He was wanted for Necromancy practice and outside of a few sightings, the hunters could never find him until a happy accident lead that company of hunters right Mel's camp. Mel was overjoyed to see people coming and ran out to greet them. As she did, one of the hunters fired an arrow, laced with a stiffening poison that slowed and stopped Mel from moving entirely. The hunters used her as a leveraging tool to get her father to go quietly and begrudgingly, he went quietly but not to a city to hang, he was killed on the spot right in front of Mel. She would have been next if not for her quick thinking to turn into a Opossum, which is immune to most poisons, to scurry away. With her father dead, she saw no reason to embrace people any more so she wandered just like she had all her life. She felt empty about it but at least she felt safe. It wasn't until a strange encounter with a rather old dwarf that rekindled her desire to see the world and its people again. The dwarf told her a bit about the world she was missing but as soon as they were about to part, he handed her a letter of invitation from the Crimson Company. His reason was simple as he was too old to help the Company and his new found friend seemed just like the type to be interested.[/hider]