[b]Aramir[/b] Aramir, her back turned to the horses, didn’t notice they were escaping until she heard the galloping hooves and Annabeth nearly ran her over. What happened next was more instinctual than actual thought. Annabeth was a hunter of her hunting group, and it was typically death for hunters to go off by themselves. So Aramir immediately snatched up her bow and ran after the human, pausing only to string her bow as fast as possible. Aramir tried to keep up, she really did. But Annabeth both had the advantage of being faster, and having long legs. It took a minute, but eventually she lost sight of Annabeth, and had to stop, gasping for breath. As soon as she had regained her breath, the Snow Elf immediately began cursing as best she could. Auriel would have been surprised, and probably proud, to hear the things coming from Aramir’s mouth. Various anatomical parts of various gods were called upon (including, but not limited to: toes, beards, eyes, and belly buttons). She was by herself, in the middle of unfamiliar territory that belonged to a Roc, and she had no idea which way was back to camp. “Great. The only way this could be worse was if it was nighttime. “ Just in case, she glanced at the sky through the leaves, and breathed a sigh of relief. Nightime was a long way off. The screech made Aramir aware of two things; One, that the Roc was close by. Two, Samson was coming back. Her head snapped up to look for the Roc, only to see that the horse was coming back…straight towards her. Behind it was the Roc, but Aramir had more pressing problems. “Oh no. Oh, no, no, no. Stop horse! Heel! Halt!” Samson ignored her. “Oh Gods!” Aramir turned and ran again. How was she supposed to know that the horse would have jumped over her? All she knew was that there was a charging, hoofed, angry looking horse that was over three times her size, coming at her. Aramir suddenly found a reserve of strength she didn’t know she had. But that didn’t stop the hoofbeats from steadily growing closer, making her look over her shoulder periodically, and follow these periodic looks with bursts of speed. Luckily for the Snow Elf, it solved her problem of finding her way back to camp. The horse drove her straight into the middle of it, in fact. As soon as she realized where she was Aramir made a request. “Someone catch this stupid Godsdamned animal!” With that she suddenly leapt to the right, and Samson charged on past her. Aramir lay on her back, panting for breath. “And that….is why….I don’t like horses. I say…we use that one….as bait…for the Roc…” She heaved herself up onto her elbows, her breathing a bit more under control now. “The Roc is about half a mile that way.” She gestured towards where the screech had come from and Annabeth had run with her head. For a moment she paused, and then let out an incoherent noise of alarm, leaping to her feet. “Come on, come on! We have to go kill the bird before Annabeth gets eaten!”