Well, I had meant to posts this earlier, but what with the site troubles... Potentially stupid questions from Asas in three...two...one... 1) Concerning the CS, are we allowed to add sections ourselves (such as a section for personality, backstory, and so on), or were those intentionally left out so that they'd be revealed through-out the roleplay itself? 2) Are there going to be specific areas in the game with specific uses and environments (sort of like TOME's use of Lavandera, Sanctuary, and Mech City) or is everything sort of going to be blended into one? Any specific locations we should know off the bat, or will that also be revealed during roleplay? I know this is a lot to get down in a mere night, so I understand if this is something that just sort of slipped. ^^" 3) Could we play with the concept of having alternate accounts? Or must each person be limited to one account? 4) Are we allowed to create hackers/antagonists, or will those be handled by yourself? Sorry for the potentially stupid questions...^^" Anyways, I'm nearly done with my CS, just want to have a few words with Inks before I post, though.