[center][b]Katsu Uchiha versus Sho Deshuga [i]A collab between Sketcher and Fieryfly[/i] Field 5 Summary: Katsu and Sho battle in the Chuunin Exams. And they get hurt. Pretty badly. [/b][/center] [hider=Fight] He had to keep his calm. Sho clenched his fists as he stomped towards the arena. He had to keep calm. And why shouldn't he be calm? Actually now that he thought about this, this was perfect. This was great. This should be everything he wanted anyway. Here he was in the Chuunin Exams, aiming to gain a rank and finally show some of the stuck up guys that he was [i]not[/i] a failure and he got the oppertunity to beat an Uchiha to pulp. How queer. Might be good practice if he ever got around to beating his dad ever. Sho stomped against a stone and only then realized what kind of arena he had entered. Freaking mountain area. Really? Sho snorted, well at least he wasn't overly surprised. He knew what the people could do with the place and considering that his opponenent was an Uchiha and thus from Konoha, the guy was going to be more surprised. Didn't fucking matter anyway. The guy would lose. Finally Sho arrived in the middle of the arena where they had leveled the field a bit so that they could start on even ground. And he waited. After having spilt the blood of the chocolate filled sweetness that is named Eclair, Katsu bid his farewells to Koike and Aiko, marching towards the arena, filled with excitement. Once he reached the end of the road and the terrain changed, he took a moment to observe his surroundings. A grin curled up on his lips as he stretched his arms. For a moment, he forgot what he was doing there. He looked over to his opponent and gave him a widened, friendly grin. He waved over. [b]"Hi! Um. I know we're supposed to start fighting soon but I just wanted to say good luck!"[/b] Lowering his hand, the smile grew fainter, though the friendly expression was still there. Oh, it was that type of guy, Sho thought annoyed already. The one that was all friendly and sweet and said nice things that didn't get you anywhere and that certainly didn't make you victor in a match. [b]"You wish your enemy good luck when you fight him?"[/b] Sho asked though he didn't really want an answer. He uncleched his fists and lowered his stance a bit. [b]"I don't think so. Let's just get started or are you going to win from me by talking me to death?"[/b] [b]"Right, right,"[/b] Katsu said, still smiling. He raised his left hand to the same level as his chest, performing the Seal of Confrontation. Seemingly unphazed by his opponent's words, whether it was from some sort of an obliviousness or just because he didn't take the comments seriously, the boy's smile fainted further, concentrating on the event that was about to come. [i]Not like luck has anything to do with how this'll turn out,[/i] he thought to himself. [i]Ah... I just hope I don't disappoint sensei.[/i] Sho didn't like official battles and he didn't like that stupid seal. What was that seal going to accomplish? Did it tell his opponent that this was going to be fair fight? That this wouldn't be a fight to the death? That was ridiculous. It didn't tell you anything. Still he made the goddamn thing and held it for a second or two. Then he deemed that the match had started and lunged forward to the left which meant he was going up the mountain. As soon as he gained a little height he turned to his opponent - what was his name again? Well who cared anyway, the Uchiha - and jumped at him, aiming to kick him full in the face. Seeing how his opponent was moving up the mountain, Katsu decided to take a different route. He took a few large steps back while weaving the handseals to create a regular clone, not wanting to waste much Chakra. He dropped from the edge of the cliff, clinging onto it with his feet, walking sideways as he started to stick some kunai to the rocks in pairs, a nearly invisible wire connecting them. Sho dropped right through the clone, seeing as the basic academy technique didn't actually have a corporal body to begin with. Straightening up from the crouching position he had landed in he looked around. Where the hell was this guy? The clone could obviously never hurt him and he wasn't going to waste time with it. Sho's eyes shot around. He wasn't one for waiting and stalking his prey. Oh, he could do that, but now he had a clear opponent so that was out of the question. He wanted to punch this guy's face in. [b]"Well fine.."[/b] He muttered. He took a couple of steps back towards the mountain wall. At some point that guy had to show up. Katsu noticed how there was no movement down below other than the occasional gusts of wind. [i]This is rather convenient...[/i] The boy had a couple of tags in his mouth as he pulled one out and stuck it in a rather shadow-filled area just under one of the pillars. After having done that, he grabbed a shuriken from his pouch and tossed it upwards, throwing it in the general direction of where they had started. Immediately Sho's eyes shot to the object that was hurled up into the air. Ah, so the guy was hiding in one of the cliffs? That was... very convenient. Sho clasped his hands together and formed a couple of seals. The Uchiha wanted to hide? Sure, he could get washed away for all Sho cared. He placed his hand against his mouth and released a large stream of water that would swipe over the edge of the cliff and take stones and other rubble with it into the blackness. Wondering for a moment what was going on, he finally saw the water just above him. With a quick move, he ignited the tag and dropped a bit lower, clasping his hands together. Just as the water reached the level of the tag, it exploded, spreading the water that would have fallen just above Katsu towards the stones. Gusts of wind flew upwards from Katsu, feeding the flames and making it burst out from the top. Some smoke rose from the now extinguished flames. Using the smoke as temporary cover, Katsu rushed up and jumped upwards, sending two kunai flying towards Sho, both of them with a tag fluttering from behind. Why an explosion happened right after he had sent of a wave of water Sho would probably never know. It did surprise him however. Water generally didn't... explode so something set it off. As he jumped back Sho wondered what his opponent was seriously trying to do. But now there was smoke and with smoke an attack was never far off. And yes sure, there it was. With his hand still against his mouth Sho was in an excellent dodging kunai position. He shot several shots from the Water Release: Gunshot technique towards the kunai to make them alter their course. Then he continued with sending more towards Katsu filling the air with little balls of water. Katsu took a leap back, aiming to jump back down. As he was in mid air, he pulled out four shuriken, hiding one under the other, two in each hand. As he thrust them forward, he sunk back into the areas between the two masses of land. He could hear the two tags explode, now further from one another due to the technique Sho had used. Now that he'd made his presence in that area completely obvious, he moved back towards where he'd started with the traps and hid, listening to see if Sho would decide to go after him. Oh no, he didn't. With another seal the many gunshots Sho had made combined together into two Water Arms. The guy was going to hide at the side of the cliff all the time? Sho thought not. He wanted to see the face of the guy as he beat him. The Water Arms were created at the edge and both slammed down at the side of the cliff before raising up and doing the same again. Hearing the violent noises, Katsu crept up, seeing Sho was beating the life out of the rocks. He quietly pulled out a kunai with the gift Koike had given him dangling behind it. He threw it towards Sho, giving it an edge with his wind chakra and speeding it up by clasping his hands and using Violent Wind Palm. Feeling the gust of wind Sho stopped his assault and wanted to move away. The kunai however was way quicker then expected, obviously because of the wind. It grazed his arm and then suddenly exploded into smoke. Sho didn't wait a second but shot forward with the highest speed his could muster. He could not lose sight of his opponent again. Within seconds he appeared out of the smoke and before Katsu's head that was peeping over the side of the cliff and send a kick to the man's nose while forming a seal with his hands. Before he knew it, Katsu felt his contact with the cold stone get cut off, hitting his back to the stone as his legs didn't let go, the chakra gathered there keeping him stuck there. After a moment, he quickly jolted towards the other traps, quickly navigating past the first wire right in front of him as he drew the sword Hayate had given him, now glowing bright white due to the wind chakra infused into it. His arm hurt, but Sho ignored it. The kick against the face felt good. It just would feel better if it would be followed up by some more kicks. Or punches. Didn't really matter. But the boy had disappeared again. Clearly he was doing something against the wall of the cliff. Was he expecting Sho to follow him? Sure, he was a hothead and he would love to do that. But this had happened before and he was not going to fall for such obvious traps again. He finished the seals and stepped over the edge of the cliff to follow Katsu. Or at least, his clone did. Katsu was still running across the side until he came to a sudden stop, his hand going to one of the kunai stuck to the wall. He threw it back in the general direction the clone of Sho, following it up with a thin and compressed wave of wind leaving the tip of his sword aimed for the clone's current location. The kunai was moving towards an explosive tag between the two. As soon as the kunai would touch it, the tag would ignite. The clone meanwhile had created a Water Whip. He knew that it made him weaker because he used the water of his own body, but whatever. He was a clone, who cared. The whip lashed out to kick the kunai out the air. If he had learned anything during this fight then it was that this guy didn't just throw shit randomly. He probably had some purpose. So better not let it hit him. Then he launched himself sideways off the cliff to avoid the incoming slash. For a moment he was hanging in nothingness, but the whip had already found something to hold on to and send the clone back to the rock formation straight towards Katsu. As Sho was coming towards Katsu, the boy swung his sword once more, another small wave of compressed wind flew towards the clone. After using the attack, he didn't check to see if it hit. He quickly tossed a smoke bomb downwards to cloud his opponent's vision and made his way back to where he had come from instead of going to the other side. Yeaah, no, were Sho's very intelligent thoughts. The clone's escapades had given him very much the location of Katsu and after that it was easy to spot the boy on the side of the mountain. So as the Uchiha moved back sideways on the mountain Sho could easily track him from above and lash out his own created whip to wrap around Katsu's swordarm and pull him up. So far Katsu would think he was still in that smoke cloud so he probably wouldn't expect and attack from above. His grip disciplined, when the whip wrapped around his arm, although he was taken by surprise, he didn't let his muscles falter, dragging the sword onto the top along with him when he was pulled. He pulled out his second sword with his other hand, quickly slashing at the whip to free himself from Sho. He kept his eye on Sho to react to any attack that could come. Sho's hand was on his first scroll as soon as Katsu pulled out his second sword. The thing with water was that cutting it wasn't really going to do it. And Sho had had a lot of time to practice and toy around with the Water whip technique. As soon as the thing was cut, it reshaped because of the water Sho drew out of the bow opened scroll, keeping Katsu's hand up. And not only that, holding the whip firm Sho brought his hands together to form a long serie of seals. It ended with him pouring as much water into the whip as possible that started to form the Water Prison Jutsu around Katsu. Seeing how the cut didn't do anything, while his free hand was up high, he lowered it with speed, letting go of the sword and sending it in a straight line towards Sho as he was opening the scroll, hoping to make use of the moment. His now weaponless hand went to meet the other, releasing gusts of wind in the general direction of Sho, hoping to disturb the whip enough to break free. Well, that was one sword gone. Sho jumped to the side as the blade came for him, but his grip on the whip didn't falter and the water was still rushing through it to form the Water Prison Jutsu. It was thus that the water that was shaping around Katsu caught most of the blow from the wind jutsu that the Uchiha released. It was blown away, but Sho wasn't done. His left arm hurt and it was getting worse but Sho gritted his teeth and moved. It didn't come close to any form of beating Soru had ever given him. He could take tenfold of this and still stand. Still the gust of wind might have blown away most of the water Sho wasn't hit at all and he jumped through the shroud of water that now obsured their vision of each other and thrust his hand forward, forcing the water to reform to the Water Prison again. [i]Shit, shit, shit![/i] Katsu noticed Sho would come closer and reach towards him. Gathering his chakra at his feet, he didn't feel like being put in the position he was in before. The boy leapt forward with all of the speed he could muster, the sword being slashed downwards in a way that if they met in the current trajectory, the weapon would first strike Sho's shoulder and go down. Somehow Katsu leapt out of the not fully formed Water Prison, which really was quite an amazing feat and made Sho realize that he should up the speed of that technique even more. But Sho wasn't going to let all that precious created water go. That would be a waste. Sho shot to the side, away from the downward strike as the water came splashing down, and send a kick to Katsu's now seemingly unprotected side. As his foot touched down with Sho jumping to the side, he spun on his heel, the sword moving with his momentum. As the kick would land, his sword would move towards the leg to parry the blow with the sharp edge simultaneously in an effort to trade blows and possibly limit his opponent's movement. Sho didn't even hesitate. He was way too close to Katsu. The boy might move his blade with speed but with that kind of speed a parry couldn't be strong, there was simply no time to strenghten the stance. So the sole of Sho's shoe connected on a high point with the blade and pushed through sending the blade straight into Katsu's face, hoping that it would connect again with Katsu mostly likely broken and shattered nose from the kick from before. Dragging his foot across the stone floor, Katsu moved his back to avoid the weapon that was kicked up to his face, his arm moving to his back along with it. With the momentum that had brought his body back, he kicked himself back to gain some distance. But Sho wasn't going to let the boy breath. Katsu kicked himself back, Sho kicked himself forward as soon as his own foot touched the ground. He raised his arms to preform a seal, one of them twitched nastly and Sho's fingers cramped for a second. Why did his arm hurt so fucking badly? It had just been a freaking small cut. He clasped the seal and let out a stream of water using the Wild Water Wave jutsu to temporarily block the vision between him and Katsu before sliding in low to kick Katsu's legs away from his body. Seeing Sho was readying another technique, Katsu pulled out a kunai. By the time it was in his hand, the water had already blocked the area between the two. Feeling himself get swept from his feet, Katsu fell backwards, letting go of the kunai. Immediately placing his hands on the ground just above his shoulders to support himself, the boy twisted his wrist and pushed himself off the ground, still moving backwards. Oh, he could land a hit. Sho was almost glad. It was a freaking boy of what? twelve, he was up against and he hadn't been able to land many hits really. It was frustrating as hell. But now he was getting somewhere. As he flipped himself up as well he took hold of the kunai Katsu dropped with his left hand only to drop it immediately. His fingers twitched and it hurt to move them. Hell, it felt like his whole arm was on fire. What the [i]fuck[/i] was going on? Giving himself no time to think Sho kept moving forward. If he wouldn't give Katsu air then the boy would get hit more. Sho wondered how long he would even hold up with that broken nose anyway, but also that question was pointless. He shot after Katsu, feinted to the left because he couldn't attack with that arm anyway, and then moved in to tackle Katsu from the right. Katsu kept moving back. There was little space left between them and the wall of stone rising as the mountain. Seeing Sho make another move towards Katsu. With the small movement to one side that Sho made, Katsu drove his foot in that direction, though to his surprise, Sho immediately changed his route of attack, coming in for a tackle. With it, Katsu lost his footing, his back hitting the stone cold ground. Seeing as it was a tackle Sho crashed down with Katsu and had originally planned to start punching the hell out of the guy's face just simply because he existed, but found that he was incapable of doing so. Waves of pain started to spread out from his arm to his upper body. Sure he could handle pain, but this was of another level as he found himself unable to propery move up, the pain keeping him down partly on Katsu. So instead his hand shot out to try and grab Katsu's collar. [b]"Wh-what the [i]fuck[/i] did you do?"[/b] He spat with quite a bit of trouble. Half present, Katsu's focus returned after being swept away by the pain of the stone cold stone hitting his back. With that, his other bruises and wounds' aches grew rapidly. He put on a brave face, trying to find a quick way to get out of the fight. For a moment, he didn't understand what Sho was talking about but when he saw the hand that was grasping his collar... [b]"Oh, that. That's just some nasty poison,"[/b] he said, doing his best not to sound aggravating. [b]"The pain'll go on for hours and hours without an antidote..."[/b] Though he didn't know if it was true or not, it would be best for him if Sho thought it was. [b]"I don't have one on me but I know someone who has one. You can try and beat me up, knock me unconscious... But you'd be stuck with the pain. If you forfeit now, I can grab it and bring it to you, y'know..."[/b] Poison. So that was it. In hindsight Sho should have kind of expected that. Didn't mean he approved of it. Oh sure, he wasn't opposed the use of poison, but he prefered it to be used on his opponents. Not on him. [b]"Freaking Uchiha's."[/b] Sho muttered under his breath before hearing Katsu's solution to all their little problems. [b]"Yeah sure, let me just forfeit and make this match a waste. [i]Not[/i]. I can handle pain any time of the day."[/b] Sho boasted, but his body spoke against him. [b]"The real... fucking... question is... can... you."[/b] His words were strained due to the pain, but he held on to Katsu's collar. [b]"If you knock me out, you'll have to wait until the effect wears out,"[/b] Katsu said, noticing the pauses between the words. [b]"It won't be a waste... You got to beat me up quite a bit. Do you think that that's not worth anything?"[/b] [i]I'm kind of in pain too you know....[/i] It was hard to suppress the pain-screaming visage that was trying to crawl its way onto Katsu's face. [b]"Just quit... Quit and let's get you the antidote."[/b] The boy couldn't feel bad for using such a passive tactic in a fight. He didn't want to push his body until he became useless. [b]"I got to beat up... a twelve year old... that is not worth... shit."[/b] Sho said. [b]"Stupid...exams. What is the... point of this... anyway..."[/b] Continuing to grumble Sho tried to get himself up and away from Katsu so that he could punch the shit out of the guy. He didn't get much farther then rolling onto his back. This fucking sucked! Stupid exams, stupid Uchiha, stupid match and stupid fucking poison. [b]''Seems this is it.''[/b] The man who had watched the match and was the referee had been at a safe distance. Noticing the condition of the two genins from a distance, he slowly closed in. Though he had missed most of the conversation, it was evident that both were exhausted and in pain. Still taking a bit of a distance, the man frowned. Waiting for several moments, he didn't see one trying to get back up on his feet. Raising his right hand, he would call out the result of the match. [b]''Draw. This match is over.''[/b] Upon hearing the declaration, Katsu stopped holding back the visage trying to surface, his face revealing the pain he was in. [b]"Gah... I guess we can go now... Mind letting me go?"[/b] he ask, not trying to keep his head up. He didn't feel like using a single one of his muscles. It's like how when you're running it's all good, you get tired but you still keep going, but when you sit down, you don't ever want to get up again. [b]"Fuck!"[/b] Sho cursed as loud as possible as the referee stepped in and told him that his match was over. As if he was holding something disgusting Sho pulled his hand back, away from Katsu's collar, away from anything that had to do with the boy. He closed his eyes against the pain and clenched his fists. Fuck, that hurt. That hurt really badly. But at least he knew that the boy next to him lay just as unmoving as he and that, in a way, was an accomplishment. Katsu let out an "oof" as his back fell. He slowly sat up and looked over at Sho, then at the referee. Trying to clean some of the blood around his mouth poured from his nose, he spoke. [b]"He needs something to suppress the poison. I think Koike Hon in the second arena has an antidote. If he's not there, Aiko Cho-Hon might have one..."[/b] He waited for a moment, realizing it was a bit vague to say his sensei's name without any context. [b]"Um... She might be in the bleachers right now."[/b] The referee had been silent as he waited for the medical nin to arrive. It was a bit harder to approach the two with the current field. Overhearing the conversation, the man sighed. He kept his opinion for himself and would pass to the medical nin what he had overheard. With the boys laying on the ground, the medical nin would place them on brancards to carry them away. The referee himself would go as well as the match was over. [/hider]