Every ounce of criticism to his handling of the situation with Korra was irrefutable, and while it aggravated Mako that he couldn’t erase his past mistake he found himself growing proud that Bolin was saying how he really felt and not holding back. His brother had always been the softer of the two of them, and it was growing increasingly obvious that that wasn’t going to happen any longer. The earth bender was becoming his own man, and was standing on his own now. The only thing Bolin had to understand was that he was sorry he hurt him, and that he’d always be there. When listening to him speak of Korra it was pretty obvious that those feelings were not disappearing very fast. At least Mako could be thankful that it was coming now rather than later, especially in front of the girls. With Asami on the mind and their future together still in question, he had his own issues to attend to without being so concerned over Bolin. Habits like that would be the hardest to kick. [b]“I hear you bro, but I can’t say I’ll be enjoying dating any time soon. I messed up with Asami, not just you, and I’ve got to fix that.”[/b] Without a new threat to Republic City and to Korra, the only challenge among them all now was keeping together. Mako gave his little brother a glance, debating on encouraging his pursuit of Korra after everything they had gone through. His gaze was softer than usual, because while he had no right to tell Bolin what to do with his feelings he was also the last person who should be commenting on Korra’s worth was a girlfriend. They did kiss, did share that moment of nothing but lust together, but what of the emotional connection that was necessary? Bolin was a good man and wouldn’t hurt Korra like he himself did Asami, and as his older brother he’d always believe in the good that he kept in his heart. [b]“I don’t think it would be that weird, I’m over it Bolin, and Korra should be too. Play the field and see what comes, maybe in time she’ll be the one coming to you, just don’t try too hard, because it may not work the way you want it too.” [/b] Mako was speaking from experience; Asami’s heart was broken and forcing her to forgive was never going to work for him. By ‘playing the field’ he only meant to continue as usual and be yourself, allowing good things to come in time. Unlike Mako, Bolin didn’t break anyone’s trust and so earning Korra’s admiration could come so much easier once she took notice to how strong and dependable Bolin was prepared to become. Bringing his attention forward once again, the ladies they were meeting came into view. Crossing the street to come together, Bolin remarked on how well off the two appeared. Surprisingly, Korra and Asami looked reasonable in spite of the rift that would’ve come thanks to his stupidity. He smiled at Korra, and Korra returned it as well. Maybe ‘Team Avatar’ was going to come back sooner than he realized. [b]“Yeah, looks like it. You were right.”[/b] He commented on Bolin’s confidence in the ladies resolving their problems, as well as Asami’s sarcastic comment on the tossing and tumbling on the ground. The invitation to have dinner was a great idea, and Mako had no doubt in his mind that they’d both want to come along again. He presumed to know his little brother enough to know full well that he wouldn’t say no, and Korra should be happy to come too. The moment he took a longer look at Korra though, Mako felt his presumptions of his friend may have been wrong, as her expression noticeably took a turn for the worst.[b] “Korra?”[/b] ~-~ The day had finally come, the day her father had dreaded her entire life; Korra had begun to notice the men in her life and, not surprisingly, had trouble understanding them. Asami would likely prove to be the most significant ally she had when it came to the dating front, because there was no way you grew up a beautiful and powerful woman without having some eager hot guys with well-off families approach you. The only responsibility Korra had in her life growing up was mastering the elements and understanding what it meant to be the Avatar, and so she was late in the ‘game’ of love, obvious enough when failing to really accept Bolin or leaping onto Mako for that kiss. [b]“It’s just that Bolin could’ve had any girl he wanted and Mako …he had that …that fire to him. No pun intended. He didn’t just want any woman, and that was special, Bolin wasn’t really shy about women until …me.”[/b] They didn’t get off to a great start, and in spite of her attraction to him they had remained just friends until the jealousy with Bolin kicked off. What kind of an older brother got upset when his little brother spent time with a girl? And what kind of a girl kissed an older brother when the younger one apparently had some feelings for her? She was still young and had time to learn from these mistakes, and one day she could hopefully laugh at the circumstances surrounding the ‘falling out’ among her best friends. The conversation was progressing slowly, and Korra looked rather solemn about everything. It was then that the subject took an interesting turn, one that the Avatar wasn’t prepared for; shopping. Her head shot towards Asami, nervous discomfort plain on her face. Holding her hands up and shaking her head, Korra wasn’t sure she was willing to entertain the idea of being dolled up in a fancy dress. [b]“Wh-whoa, whoa, wait a second. You think I could pull off anything you can wear for fun? And I don’t know if you’ve noticed but I don’t exactly have the ‘body’ to pull any dress off …do I?”[/b] It had finally happened: she was beginning to crack under the pressure of ‘looking good’ for boys. What would go good with her skin? Wasn’t what she wore enough? Busy visualizing herself in a dress and attending some fancy party, Asami’s greeting to Mako and Bolin had brought her back to reality. Coming to a stand and brushing herself off in case any crumbs had sat idle, her gaze went to Bolin and Mako together, both of which looked well. According to Bolin there was some fear in Mako that Asami and herself couldn’t have an adult conversation, which prompted Korra to cross her arms and laugh with Asami’s sarcastic retelling of their epic cat fight. Past that, dinner invitations had come around, and from that point on Korra’s expression fell. Dinner sounded fun, being together with them was some much needed catharsis, yet there was someone she couldn’t forget. [b]“I may need to pass on that, guys. I should be there for Tenzin.”[/b] Korra didn’t believe that the situation with Tenzin and his family was one big secret; Bolin was more than aware and Asami and Mako were likely to have been informed as well. [b]“Any sign of improvement since that examination?”[/b] Mako asked. Korra had shaken her head, confirming that there had been no amount of progress to Pema and Meelo’s condition. Mako had looked from Asami and to his brother, as if asking them for their piece on the subject itself. Korra took it upon herself to whistle for Naga, who had immediately halted her idle staring at a food stand just across the street and hustled to Korra’s side. Just as she was about to mount her, Mako had halted her. [b]“Korra, you’re no healer ...you should let people qualified handle that situation, right?”[/b] [b]“It’s not about healing, it’s just about being there to support him. I’m the Avatar, and Tenzin’s family is practically my family too. Besides, he seems to think I can do something, maybe I can try contacting Aang and he’ll have a solution.”[/b] [b]“If Aang could help, wouldn’t he have come to you already?”[/b] Korra had glared at Mako, prompting him to shut his mouth and double back. His argument wasn’t to make Korra feel bad, it was only to try and remove her from such a rough environment, if only for a little while. He was going about it poorly, he knew this, but the point he was making wasn’t wrong either. [b]“I’m sorry if I’m going too far—“[/b] [b]“You are, and while I can appreciate your attempt at making my helplessness be a good thing, I can’t just go out and have fun knowing that they’re getting worse. Bolin can stay, but I have to be there.”[/b] Korra had climbed atop Naga without interruption this time, looking to Bolin and wanting to know if he’d like to spend time with Asami and his brother. She was growing red in the face and it was beginning to show clear as day. Even if Mako made some sense, it didn’t make it easier on her. [b]“Look, it’s fine, maybe I’ll come by later if I have time, you guys have fun.”[/b] [b]“Korra—“[/b] [b]“What!?”[/b] she snapped, irritated. Mako was at a loss for words, and his standing with Korra seemed to be dwindling by the second. The situation with Tenzin and his family was a stressful one, and though Korra wanted to be there as support, she had been there all week. It was morbid, and perhaps it was insensitive to even think of, but Mako believed a little time away would be good for herself. It wasn’t that she’d forget what was going on, it’s that she wouldn’t grow depressed and can still live her own life. Her duty to the city and as the Avatar was without question, but this appeared to be becoming so personal to her that he was now looking to Bolin for some insight. If Bolin agreed with this course, then he’d remain silent, but if he disagreed and wanted Korra to spend a little time elsewhere then it’d be appreciated all the same. ~-~ Ikki might have laughed at Lin’s comparison between them were the situation much less dire for her family; immature as she might be compared to Jinora, the girl was still able to understand how bad things were getting. Korra couldn’t do anything, the healers couldn’t do anything, and Ikki was beginning to fear that her grandmother Katara was going to be powerless too. How could no one figure out what it was that was making her brother and mother so sick? Lin being here didn’t hurt matters but Ikki had grown resentful of her in spite of this, if only because the fear of Tenzin replacing her mother with Lin was a very real concern. Her attitude lessened when she referred to her daddy as ‘best friend’, and for the sake of her heart she hoped that was all it would become. Without a fuss, Ikki would go to inform Jinora, who was taking care of their baby brother, about food being prepared. Tenzin looked at Meelo resting peacefully beside Pema, and the two of them had shared a kiss and brought their foreheads together. At the sound of approaching footsteps he had parted, looking to Lin helpfully bringing bowls up with what she had prepared. With a silent nod of thanks, Tenzin would gently nudge Meelo awake and hoped the smell of food would invigorate him enough to sit up on his own. He had awoken with a few moans uttered from his throat, and with help from Tenzin he had managed to sit up Pema and Meelo both and scoot the bedside table closer. They were weak, but luckily they could still manage to eat all the same and keep it down without struggle. Lin’s question of what more she could do was quietly dismissed by Tenzin; there was something she could do, but this wasn’t the time for it. All that mattered now was that his wife and son could enjoy a meal. [b]“Not at this time Lin, but I thank you for this. I’ve asked the acolytes to steer clear for now and give my family some space.”[/b] His curiosity was getting the better of him now, and though he’d want nothing more than for Pema and Meelo to continue without worry, perhaps it’d be better if they heard this from Lin herself, should she indeed know the answer. [b]“Actually, you could help me by answering a question. I was wondering if there has been another case of this unknown illness emerging anywhere else in Republic City. At first I suspected an epidemic, but I’ve shown no signs of what they display, nor have Jinora, Ikki, and thankfully Rohan.”[/b] Pema had to be the most hygienic woman in the family followed closely beside Jinora. Meelo’s immune system was never in a huge struggle, the occasional cold was nothing to worry about. The entire family had been closely linked, but only two were afflicted. The question had kept him up at night: What had they done to deserve this, and why wasn’t he the one to bear this illness himself? [b]“Anything you’d be able to tell me would be much appreciated, I just want to be able to wrap my head around this.”[/b] For now, Pema and Meelo were all ears but remained silent and enjoyed the delicious meal Lin had brought them. Were it not for her, it would likely be himself preparing dinner, or forgetting to do so in his troubles and Jinora or Korra saving the day in that regard. Surely his old friend, his ex-girlfriend, would know how anxiety got the better of him.