[hider=Lander Mallory] Name – Lander Mallory (Eldon Harcourt) Race – Human Gender – Male Age – 32 Appearance – [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/JJMaxx/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zps6aa81223.jpg[/img] Height – 6'1” Weight – 220 lbs. Class – Artificer Skills – Lander is well-skilled in living off the land and surviving in the wild. He has a deep knowledge of animal and plant life and uses it to his advantage when he hunts. He is skilled with a bow as well as a sword and can hold his own against animal and human foe alike. He is also skilled in leather working and weapon-making, as well as some smithing abilities, though he doesn't use it often. Due to the years of hunting, Lander's smell and hearing have been heightened and his intuition is razor sharp. Powers – Lander is a skilled artificer that can infuse non-living objects with magical properties. He may not be able to enhance an individual, but he can temporarily make arrows more precise and swords more powerful. The infusion process only lasts a short while, usually enough for a fight, and it drains him mentally. Weaponry – Sword/Bow/Arrows Other equipment – Bedroll Skinning Knife Dried Meat Water Skin Flintstones Gloves Rope Small Glass Vials of Water, Oils and Various Reagents Apparel – Lander wears mostly leather armor. Personality – Lander Mallory is as non-social as he is detached from the reality. He has very little trust for outsiders, which is everyone besides himself. While he is pleasant, polite and even charismatic, it is usually a facade to get what he wants. He never speaks about his past and becomes hostile to those who try to dig too deep. His true love is for nature and its plants an animals and he doesn't take kindly to those who abuse it. Bio – Lander was born Eldon Harcourt in Sirondius 32 years ago. Brought up in a wealthy family, young Eldon was well taught in history, mathematics, physics and above all, combat. Larger and stronger than his peers, he was groomed to be a soldier. At the age of 12, he was removed from training school to be privately trained by Brishen Prestcote, former leader of the Silver Squad and renowned as the best fighter in Sironde. He was training to be a member of the Dominion Guard when the Scourge War broke out. Even though he wasn't qualified to be a full listed soldier, Brishen vouched for him and he was placed on the front lines. For two years, Eldon fought the Orcs. Town after town, every Orc outpost fell before the might of the Dominion Army and Eldon's prowess, but deep inside he was growing ever weary of the constant death and bloodshed. One day, while tracking a company of Orcs through a mountain pass, he came across a human woman, heavily injured and near death. Upon holding her body, she stared up at him and with tears in her eyes handed him a small bundle of cloth. Eldon unwrapped the bundle and found a newborn halfling, clinging on to life. The woman pulled Eldon closer and whispered something in his ear before giving up her last breath. Moments later the child succumbed to it's injuries and he placed it in the arms of its mother. Wracked with guilt and confusion, Eldon ran away from the battle lines and became a nomad, cloaked and mysterious for years, even after the war had ended. Unsure of his place in society, he retreated to the forest where he felt at peace for the first time. He built a small cabin Northeast of Cabruk and trades furs and meat with both Cabruk to the south and Bogkrul to the north. He has gained a reputation in the area for being an expert hunting guide and wealthy aristocrats travel from all over Sironde to utilize his services. They tell tales that their arrows always find their marks when he is the guide. In reality, Eldon inherited artificer abilities from his grandmother and while he has never told anyone of them, he has spent his years in solitude focusing his gifts. He has increased the infusion length to almost six hours and has began working on stronger infusions. Fear and guilt still lingering in the back of his conscious, Eldon changed his name to Lander Mallory. Although Lander had cut himself off from the rest of the world, lately he had been hearing whispers and strange winds through the trees. Even though he didn't know how, he felt that things were about to change in Sironde and he hoped he wouldn't have to be a part of it... [/hider]