It's not that I dislike pics, it's that I would be personally offended if someone used my artwork for their characters without asking, and I doubt many artists feel much differently about something they poured their soul into. It's a moral dislike, not a preference. Also, for some people, they use it because they are too lazy to write out the full character description. I am in no way implying that that is why you wan to use a pic, but I just want you to know where I'm coming from. I'm not being a judgmental prat, just voicing my honest views. To me, it is a form of stealing. But again, I can't stop you, however I will ask about a lot, and pray your guy is not identical :P Beastmen have their own lands, mostly away from other lands, and they join militaries in various kingdoms if they feel the desire to, however their first alliance is to their clan. I can see the city now, thank you. Most people are afraid if his kind to en extent, however when with their fellow soldiers they are mostly treated as equals. Oh, and it's king. Here's the template I use - Name: Race: Age: Height: Weight: Hair: Eyes: Skin: Build: Clothes: Accessories: Powers/Skills(If Applicable): General Personality: Background: