Appearance- [IMG][/IMG] Name- Headmaster Cobal Age- 34 Species- Human Aura Color- Midnight Blue Semblance- Recoil - Cobal has the ability to imbue an inanimate object that he is touching, with his energy. The object keeps this energy for sometime and gives it a kind of bounce effect. With whatever force Cobal applies, the weapon instantly recoil and flies in the opposite diretion, losing no speed. Some objects can be far more dangerous than others, which Cobal learned at a much younger age. Weapon- [IMG][/IMG] Animus - This giant chakram stands up to Cobals neck when it is fully transformed. Otherwise it is wrapped loosely around his waist and looks like a thick metal belt. Each of the four outer rings are lined with dust. Other Equipment- A satchel which carries extra dust and snacks. He also carries a small PDA system to which he records lots of things. He's always on it. History- WIP Personality- Since the attack on Beacon, Cobal has put a lot of time into strengthening the signal and keeping a close eye on anyone within Gram. He's a friendly guy, but lately has been more of a strict teacher than anything else. He believes that while the safety of his students is important, unleashing their full potential must come first. He isn't afraid to push a student to the edge, and encourages his partners to do the same. His door is always open. Fighting Style- Cobal is an exceptional counter attacker, choosing to gauge his enemy and take notes. He only fights aggressive enough to learn what he needs know about his opponent. When it comes to Grimm, now more than ever, Cobal takes no chances. In battle. Other- (Anything that you feel needs mentioning that's not covered in rest of CS)