Leon had come back with the first-aid kit and had bandaged up Maria's leg and cleaned the wound. "You should be fine for now luckily it wasn't too deep." Maria gave him a small grin and thanked him before laying fully across the couch. "I've got one hell of a migraine now." Maria muttered softly. Leon gave her a cocky grin. "Unfortunately I think we used all the painkillers after Voight's birthday last week." Everybody at the station had gotten real drunk that night. "I got you though. After I go check on Voight I'll swing by the pharmacy." She nodded so he got up and heading outside. He thought it was strange the others weren't back yet, if the fire was as small as he was told they should've returned already. He was out of the street in front of the fire station but had seen no clue of Voight or Maria's biter. "Maybe he took her down to the station himself." The station wasn't that far after all, maybe he just didn't feel like wasting the time making the phone call? He couldn't help but notice the street was really quiet for this time of day. Only a few slow people shuffling about on the sidewalk across from him.