Lee was still enjoying his chips and soda as he flicked through the different TV channels. He was just about to bring his soda can to his lips until he he heard an unearthly scream coming from out side. Usually Lee would just ignore it, assuming it was just some stupid kids playing out side, but with the warning to stay inside due to the Ebola outbreak, who would let there children out. Lee grabbed his father's rifle and opened the blinds that over looked his lawn. Unable to see anything, Lee quietly open his front door and snuck onto his lawn. Before Lee could register what was going on, Lee heard his man being screamed. "LEE!!!", it called. On his parents drive way was his mother and father's parked car. On the hood was his mother, who's throat was being eaten out by his father. Lee's mother held her hand out towards him as he watched her throat torn out if there neck by his father and eaten. As his mother convulsed and coughed blood, his father turned towards him. With a snarl he sprinted toward Lee. He wasted no time running away into his parents home and shaking the door shut. Seconds later his father was beating in the door like a maniac. Lee grabbed a recliner and jammed it onto the door, blocking it so his hungry father could not get in. Lee sat on his couch exasperated and shocked, "What the hell just happened."