Basic Information Name: Emilio Elias Nickname/Alias/Etc: The Black Mamba Gender: male Age: 25 Height: 5’10” Weight: 165 Faction: Vanguard Appearance Hair Color: black Eye Color: pale blue, with a little yellow in them if you look very closely. Ethnicity: Mexican-American Physical Appearance: Emilio looks pretty tough, like a bodyguard or a soldier. He is well-built, with a solid core and toned muscles from working out. He has a very athletic posture, with feet spread shoulder-width apart and arms by his sides, ready for action at a moment’s notice. His skin is dark, like a Hispanic person, and his hair is jet black. It is held in a spiky sort of hairdo by gel. His face is very long, and he has a cleft chin that accentuates his jawline. His nose is small and his nostrils look a tad skinnier than your normal nostrils, almost as if they were widened snakelike slits. His face is almost always locked in a disapproving scowl. His ears are average-sized and stick out in front of his hair, forming a natural barrier between it and his face. He is always clean-shaven, and dislikes facial hair of any kind. His eyes look sinister and deceitful, like that of a snake. Emilio has a tattoo of the Mexican Eagle on his left breast, and on his left shoulder is the Vanguard crossed keys. He plans to eventually turn his left arm into a sleeve once he has the money for that much ink. His fingernails are cut unevenly, and appear to sharpen to a point at their tips. His teeth are slightly crooked, and his canine teeth are larger than normal. If one looks closely at Mamba’s mouth, they can see that he has a forked tongue. Emilio speaks with a lisp due to his tongue, and has a bit of a hispanic accent to his voice. Attire: Rough and tough. Emilio dresses for his job; kicking ass and takin names. He wears a pair of desert camo chinos every day, with tan steel-toed boots, a tee shirt of some sort, and a long brown leather duster with the crossed keys on the back of it in gold and white. He usually keeps the collar of the jacket turned up to make him look more edgy. Personality Outward & Innate Personality: I’m getting tired of doing personalities, so this will be short and sweet. Mamba is cruel and remorseless. He’s generally not a nice person, but he is efficient. He is very sarcastic and caustic towards others, and can come off as brash. He doesn’t mind insulting people. He’s one of those guys that, though he may seem unsociable, is fun to have around at a cocktail party of public social event. He seems to have this charisma about him that makes people listen to what he says, a useful skill for a gang leader. Mamba is very ambitious, and clings to power with a death grip. He loves having authority, and has no problem with punishing people who disrespect him.In a nutshell, Emilio is a total asshat. He’s the complete opposite of Whisper, making them a perfect duo. Whisper keeps Emilio in check and keeps him from going too power crazy, and Emilio acts as Whisper’s fist and bullwhip. Hobbies/Interests: Gambling, drinking, horse racing, smoking, partying, rapping fishing, wrestling, driving at extremely fast speeds. If Whisper embodies the northern half of West Mendel, Emilio embodies the southern half. Skills/Talents: He was a fairly decent wrestler in high school (it was a metahuman high school, so it was more or less fair), and he’s a very good getaway driver. Emilio is fairly good with hand-to-hand combat (partially due to his power). He speaks fluent Spanish and his flow is hella dope, yo (ie, he can rap). Prized Possession: He doesn’t really have one. Quote(s): “Hey baby, you wanna know how the sssserpent in the Garden of Eden tempted Eve?” History/Bio: Emilio’s nothing special. He was born in Los Angeles. His parents made decent money, his dad being an attorney. Because of his dad’s money, Emilio attended good schools all of his life, and was kept out of gangs and such. He still acted tough, though, and was known for getting in fights for almost no reason. His powers came in when he was twelve, and when three kids at his middle school almost died from oddly large snake bites, his father decided to step in. He send Emilio to Academy 218, a boarding school for metahumans. He went to high school there, and left to pursue a job in real estate. He moved to Mendel for a reason he does not understand (the Black Fall Effect: metas are drawn towards other metas). Once there, he found the city in disarray. He met Whisper, and the two became good friends. Eventually, they started the Vanguard to try and establish order in the West Mendel meta community. Family: Carlos Elias: Father. Nonmeta. Maria Elias: Mother. Nonmeta. Carlos Elias Jr.: Older Brother. Nonmeta. Anna Elias: Younger Sister. Unknown. Francisco Elias: Billionaire Uncle. Meta. Carolina Elias: Billionaire cousin. Meta. Relationships Relationships: | Whisper Kiyoshi | Good | Best Friend/Boss/Crush | “Whisper is fucking awesome. She’s hot, smart, hot, wicked, hot, hot. Seriously, I need to figure out a way to tap that.” Abilities Power Class: Animal Power: Serpent physiology. Basically, Emilio has all the powers of a snake. Firstly, and most notably, the venom. Emilio’s mouth contains retractable viper-like fangs that can inject a painful and potentially deadly neurotoxin. It is treatable using medicine and certain antivenoms, but without those victims find themselves paralyzed and gripped with burning pain in their limbs. It takes about six hours for the venom to kill a full-grown adult human, give or take a few hours depending on the human’s size, although symptoms set in soon after being bitten. Mamba rarely uses his venom because it’s rather difficult to bite someone mid-fight, although he can spit it. If it gets in an enemy’s eyes, they can go blind. Luckily for him, that’s not his only power. Emilio has extremely fast reflexes, and giving him a huge edge in combat. He can sense movement through walls and at night using heat vision, and when fighting his fingernails sharpen into claws. He is supernaturally strong as well, able to lift about four times his bodyweight. Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks: Firstly, Emilio’s venom is curable using antivenom. Due to its relatively weak nature, it is rather difficult for someone to die from his venom, and he’s never killed someone with it. Secondly, heat vision can be blinded by heat, so throwing up a cloud of steam or hiding behind something hotter than 98.6 degrees will make you invisible to him. Thirdly, Emilio is cold-blooded. He absolutely hates winter, and if he’s out in the cold for too long, his body temperature can drop and he can possibly die. To counteract this, Emilio warms himself in a special room at the Vanguard HQ every morning, but if he’s kept for a long time outside (like, more than a day) in the cold, it could kill him. Other: Unlike Whisper, Mamba totally refers to the Vanguard as a gang. Emilio lives downtown in an apartment overlooking the Strip. It’s relatively clean, and about mid-sized for someone who is single.