Basic Information Name: Colonel Ivan Petrov Nickname/Alias/Etc: Roket, Professor Gender: male Age: 40 Height: 5’11” Weight: 160 lbs Faction: neutral Appearance Hair Color: Salt-and-pepper. He has aged badly. Eye Color: green Ethnicity: Russia Physical Appearance: Ivan is a small, gruff-looking man, standing at about 5’11” and weighing 160 lbs. He is well-built and in-shape, with wiry muscles and tanned skin. Ivan certainly will not be winning any beauty pageants anytime soon. Most of his body is covered in an enormous burn scar from a freak accident that occurred during his time in the military. His lower torso, most of his abdomen, a small spot on the right side of his face and his right arm down to halfway down the forearm are covered in these ugly scars. Ivan is missing the pinky finger on his right hand and his middle finger on his left. Ivan’s face is long and rectangular, with a square jaw blanketed in a thick, full beard. This beard is primarily a very dark brown (almost black) though is slowly beginning to be taken over by grey. His hair is long and is worn combed back against his head in a neat, professional way. Ivan’s eyes are a bright green in coloration, and seem to sparkle with intelligence. He has thick eyebrows that make him look rather angry most of the time. His eyebrows are asymmetrical, as the burn scar overlaps part of his right eyebrow. Ivan’s ears are rather large, and lay flat against his head. He is missing a chunk from the lobe of the right ear. His nose is large with a wide bridge and a bump on it that makes it appear as if his nose has been broken multiple times before. Ivan’s teeth are relatively well-cared-for, though several of them are fake. He speaks with a slowly-fading Russian accent, and generally talks very loudly (as his hearing isn’t the best). Attire: Possessing the money to do so, Ivan dresses nicely. He wears Oxford shirts and slacks every day, usually without a tie and with a pair of comfortable leather shoes. Informal for Ivan is a polo shirt and slacks. He is never known to wear tee shirts or informal-looking shorts (unless he’s doing some sort of physical activity). If he’s going out for a night on the town, he may wear his beret. A quintessential piece of Ivan’s wardrobe is his brass-colored aviator sunglasses. Outside of the classroom, he is almost never seen without them. When it’s cold out, Ivan wears a peacoat and a fur hat (one of the stereotypically Russian ones whose names I don’t know). Personality Outward & Innate Personality: Ivan is a simple man with a taste for action. He joined the military originally so that he could be in the heart of the battlefield, kicking ass and taking names, as the saying goes. He joined the Dreadnaughts, however, because after his medical discharge, the Russian Military would not give him a job (as he couldn’t pass the hearing test). Ivan generally keeps to himself most of the time, though his loud voice often gives people the impression that he is a loud person (which is untrue). He drinks a lot (though not while on the job), and is known to be very boisterous when he’s drunk. The drinking is what he uses to take care of his...issues. Ivan has PTSD, which he received from his incident (he doesn’t talk about it). While it has yet to affect his work, it often causes Ivan to have trouble sleeping. Even when he daydreams, Ivan can occasionally see flashbacks. Because of this, Ivan tries to keep himself constantly doing something. He has very little idle time, as he figures that if he’s always busy, then he’ll never daydream and therefore will never suffer. he sees a psychologist about it once a week or so, and takes medicine for it most of the time. If Ivan is out of medicine or is regressing for some reason, expect to see him at a bar. He’s rather antisocial and can be cold around new people. It takes a while to get Ivan to open up to someone new. He is rigidly organized and never forgets anything. Despite his debilitating psychological issues and lack of social skills, Ivan is a genius. He has a PhD in nuclear chemistry from MIT and a master’s in physics. Basically, Ivan is a brain. He can do multivariable calculus in his head, and solves logic puzzles almost stupidly easily. Hobbies/Interests: Chess, drinking, building bombs out of everyday objects, researching, and, most importantly, reading. Ivan constantly reads, and has a sizeable library in his house. He believes that reading is the key to intelligence. He has books in both Russian and English, and will sometimes switch a Russian and English copy of a book in the middle of a chapter to challenge his mind. His favorite American author is Tom Clancy, and his favorite Russian author is Leo Tolstoy (because I don’t know many Russian authors. Sue me) War and Peace is Ivan’s favorite book. Ivan has tried to write some himself, but he “has never been very good at it”. Skills/Talents: Ivan is super-intelligent, with an IQ of 190 and his various credentials that I listed above. He could give the Rain Man a run for his money in math, and has a fairly good memory. He is adept in hand-to-hand combat (evident by the Maroon beret test he did, in which he had to survive a fight against a SPETSNAZ soldier). He is a good ground warfare tactician as well, though his lack of social skills usually hold him back from being a leader. Ivan once knew how to play violin, but he hasn’t done so in a while, and so has forgotten most of it. He speaks English and Russian fluently. He has picked up a few phrases in Chechen, such as “I’ll cover you!”, “I’m throwing a grenade!”, and (his favorite) “f*ck you, Russia!”. He is attempting to learn French, solely because he is bored. Oh and incase you need to be told this, Ivan is a chess grandmaster. Prized Possession: His beret, which sit in a case above the mantle in his study. Quote(s): “What do you mean I shouldn’t cut the red wire? Which one of us served for ten years on a military bomb squad? Bog Chert voz'mi , yesli eti lyudi ne ostanovit' razdrazhayushchikh menya YA sobirayus' prevratit' svoi avtomobili v ballisticheskikh raket .” History/Bio: Prepare yourselves for the most well-researched history I’ve ever done! Ivan Petrov was born in Lutsk (now a part of Ukraine) at the tail end of the 1970s, the second of three brothers. He grew up in a military family with a father who was in Afghanistan, fighting for Mother Russia against the Mujahideen. Ivan’s father was his hero. Every week, Ivan would wait by the door for the postman to arrive and bring him a letter from the battlefront in his father’s neat penmanship. Then One week, a letter didn’t come. Ivan’s father was in a helicopter, flying through the Khyber Pass, and he was shot down. They didn’t recover enough of his body for a funeral. Ivan was ten at the time, and he was devastated. Ivan’s older brother left two weeks later to join the military and avenge his father’s death. The family moved to Rostov shortly after, as his mother’s family was there. When Ivan was fifteen, the Soviet Union collapsed, marking an end to the Cold War. When Ivan was seventeen, he joined the army, where he fought in the First Chechen War. His abnormally high intellect (despite the lack of a college education) made him stand out to his superiors, and he rose through the ranks quickly. After the First Chechen War ended, Ivan went to college at the MV Frunze Military Academy in Moscow, where he learned his EOD skills. They were put to the test in September of 1999, as the Second Chechen War began. Dagestani terrorists began to blow up apartments around Western Russia. Ivan was sent after a confirmed second bomb in Moscow, and, with the help of his team, diffused it, saving the building. Ivan was moved to a unit of anti-terrorist special forces in the Russian Internal Military, where he served as an EOD specialist (though he got plenty of combat in). For five years he chased terrorists around Russia. He was part of the unit that gassed Moscow Theater in 2002, and in 2004 fought against Chechen rebels who had taken 1,100 people hostage (including 777 children). In 2004, he was deployed to Chechnya as part of the Russian anti-terrorist operation (Chechnya was and is part of Russia, so the Internal Military fought there). He fought there (stationed is Grozny, but he did most of the fighting in the Southern Mountains) for two years. Through multiple firefights and guerilla warfare attacks, Ivan gained experience in battle and became a grizzled veteran. He was then redeployed to Volgograd. That’s when his “accident” happened. A hospital in Volgograd was seized by Chechen insurgents, who threatened to kill someone every fifteen minutes until Chechnya’s independence was recognized by Russia and the Russians pulled out. Their backup plan (incase the Russians came anyways) was a bomb in the center of the building’s basement, that, if detonated, would topple the entire hospital. Wearing full bomb suits, Ivan’s unit was sent to deal with it. A firefight was initiated once they got inside to where the bomb was, and in the chaos of it all, the man defusing the bomb (Ivan was outside of the room trying to fend off the insurgents) was stabbed to death. His attacked triggered the bomb, and everything went black. Two days later, Ivan was pulled from the wreckage, his suit torn to ribbons and his body severely burned. Third and fourth-degree burns covered most of the right half of his body, and the collapse had crushed several of his bones (he had a minor skull fracture, four shattered ribs, two broken tibias, a shattered right radius, two missing fingers, a fractured hip, grizzly stuff). He was the sole survivor of the explosion (everyone else in his unit died). he spent a year in a hospital in Moscow, recovering from the explosion and rehabilitating. He recovered at an alarming rate and a year and a month after the explosion almost killed him, he was back on his feet (with a cane and medicated bandages still wrapped around much of his torso). Unfortunately, due to hearing loss from the blast, he was unable to pass the Russian Army’s hearing test, and so was discharged. At this point, Ivan felt worthless. He was given a desk job at the Kremlin, but that gave him no solace. In 2008, Ivan left the job and went to America, where he used his savings (as well as some assistance from a wealthy uncle) to attend MIT. His high intelligence and knowledge of chemistry was obvious, as he graduated with a PhD in nuclear chemistry in four years. He would have been qualified to be an EOD officer in the US police force, but they wouldn’t hire a foreigner. That was when he heard about the Dreadnaughts from a friend he had gone to school with at Frunze. He joined (as he couldn’t get any sort of job, even with a US citizenship), and fought with them for four years, working as an explosives expert and field agent. He fought in Yemen, Afghanistan, India, an Iranian embassy in England, and South America. There was little free time. In the South American mission, Ivan was shot in the shoulder because he couldn’t hear another member telling him that he was in the line of fire. After that point, he and Belroth (the Dreadnaught leader) decided that it would be best for him to leave and pursue something else. Now that he was qualified to be a nuclear physicist and had itched the “one more campaign of combat” scratch, Ivan decided that he wanted to teach. He found a job at Mendel University, a college in Mendel, Louisiana that had an excellent chemistry department (although eclipsed by their genetics program, which is the best in the country). He settled down in a nice big house paid for by genius stock trading (his power helps) and a nice pension, and got married about two years ago. It wasn’t until he befriended a genetic professor at the school, Dr.Tobias Wright, that Ivan discovered that he was a metahuman. His power was (and is) nothing spectacular, and so he always assumed that it was adrenaline that made him so good at his job. Family: Yuri Petrov: Father. Deceased Elena Petrov: Mother. Deceased Yuri Petrov Jr.: Older Brother. Sergey Petrov: Younger Brother. Dimitri Petrov: Rich Uncle. Dr.Melissa Petrov: Wife. Professor of English at Mendel University. Relationships Relationships: Abilities Power Class: cerebral Power: Ivan is strange in that he actually has several small powers that are all relatively insignificant alone. Firstly, he has supernatural focus. He has perfect vision, and his brain is designed to focus on individual tasks with extreme precision, giving him perfect aim and steady hands (helpful when defusing bombs). His focus is so good that he has just recently (since joining the Dreadnaughts) acquired a new ability: bullet time. Ivan can slow his perception of the world down, allowing him to react to things much faster. He never realized that this was a power because he believed it to be simply adrenaline, but now that he understands it he can use it to dodge projectiles and move with supernatural accuracy for his age. In addition to this, Ivan has a very mild form of precognition in the form of premonitions. He knows when something is about to happen right before it happens, like when he yelled “f*ck!” in Russian a second before the bullet hit him back in South America. This gives him an edge in things like stock trading, as he can sense when stocks are about to rise and fall. Thirdly and finally, Ivan’s brain doesn’t degenerate. This is actually a realistic superpower, something that Albert Einstein had that allowed him to be so intelligent. Ivan’s brain tissue doesn’t die with age, and the cells around it are designed to supply nutrients to the brain cells indefinitely. This gives Ivan superior memory to normal humans, and allows him to sustain certain ideas for very long times. When Ivan is ninety, his brain will still be as healthy as a twenty-year-old’s, meaning that he will never become senile and will become smarter the older he gets. Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks: Ivan’s bullet time can only last about twenty seconds at a pop before turning off. His precognition is instant and, while it gives him time to react, isn’t really “seeing into the future”. Besides that, Ivan’s powers have no combat applications, so they don’t need a weakness. Other: Ivan lives in a fairly-sizeable single-family house on the outskirts of West Mendel with his wife, Melissa.