Basic Information Name: Damian Rosseau Nickname: Diablo Gender: male Age: 28 Height: 6’0” Weight: 185 Faction: Skull Big Five Appearance Hair Color: dirty blonde, bordering on brown. Eye Color: Blue Ethnicity: French/German. White. Physical Appearance: Damian is a compact man with a thick build. He is one of those people that don’t look big until they take their shirt off. He is very well-defined, with a slightly doughy stomach area. Possessing a v-shaped body and strong back and arm muscles, he looks like he could do pull-ups for a living. Unlike most gym rats, Damian’s legs are actually more toned than his arms. He works them out regularly, as they come in handy with his power. He has long arms and long fingers that end in badly-kempt nails that he tries to cut himself, but fails. Like the other original members, Damian has a tattoo of the Skulls symbol on the left side of his chest, below his collarbone. He has another tattoo about halfway down his right side of the French Fleur de Lis. Damian’s right shoulder is badly torn-up, with several scrape-like scars from a motorcycle crash. Another spot on his back has a crescent-shaped scar made by stitching, from where a piece of asphalt from said motorcycle crash tore though his jacket and was embedded just above his right kidney. Damian’s hair is cut in a crew cut in a very soldierly manner. Even though he is young, his hairline is starting to recede, and so he has a large forehead. Damian’s head is roughly pentagonal, with a pointy chin and a sharp jawline. There is a cut above his right eyebrow made by a knife from a member of a rival gang a few years back. The wound appears as if it was meant to take his eye out, but missed. Damian has thin, dark eyebrows that look bushier than they are, and a large fleshy nose. His ears are somewhat large, and stick out since he has little hair. Damian's voice is mellow with an obvious Southern drawl. Attire: Damian dresses similarly to the other Skulls. On a usual day, Damian will wear a white tee shirt, a pair of dark-colored jeans, his vest, and a pair of throwing shoes (I’ll get to that in a second). Damian’s vest is made of leather, and has the Skulls symbol on the back. His pants are held up by a nylon belt with a large silver skull-shaped buckle on it. Throwing shoes are shoes used in track and field for throwing discuses. The bottoms of the shoes are smooth, and there is a groove under the ball of the foot to make rotation easier. Damian wears a pair of Asics Cyberthrow London spinning shoes (google them because I’m lazy). They will help out with his power. Another thing that Damian keeps on him 24/7 is a discus carrying bag, a satchel of sorts that holds two discuses made of carbon fiber with a carbon steel ring. Personality Outward & Innate Personality: The two words that best describe Damian are crazy and arrogant. Damian loves him some Damian. He looks in the mirror a lot, even though he’s not the most attractive bloke, and talks with a certain tilt of the head that makes people think he’s a lot more important than he actually is. He’s a jerk a lot of the time, making fun of people and making some rather cruel jokes, but it’s all harmless. Most people who get to know Damian well know that his teasing is good-natured. He has a mouth on him, cursing fluidly and possessing the wit to come up with some very creative off-the-cuff insults. Damian is a very social and extroverted, spending most of his time hanging out with friends. When with friends, Damian does some very stupid things. He is prone to peer pressure, and when enough people convince him to, he can do some incredibly stupid things. He can’t hold liquor well either, which exacerbates this problem. Despite his good nature and generally silly attitude, Damian is a bitch if he gets pissed off. He’s the definition of a homeboy, loving both his city and his friends with a deep passion. If he had the choice between Skeleton and Grease and eternal happiness, he’d pick his friends and let his soul rot in Hell. Hobbies/Interests: Damian is a fan of many sports, such as track/field, football, baseball, basketball, and lacrosse (do they have lacrosse in Louisiana?). He both watches and plays these sports. Damian also really likes working with cars, and is trained in being a mechanic. He usually functions as the gang’s mechanic. he owns a very nice custom-built Corvette Stingray that he and his father built together. He keeps it in a locked garage at headquarters. Touching Damian’s corvette is punishable by death. He’s fond of old music (50s and 60s) and classic cars. Skills/Talents: He’s a master at basically every sport that involves throwing things. He has a little background with karate, but learned most of his fighting on the streets. He’s a good mechanic (good enough to build a car). He knows how to throw a discus extremely well, and throws throwing knives well also. He is learning how to throw shurikens. Prized Possession: A tie between his corvette and his discuses. Quote(s): “Asking if Skeleton still has a penis implies that he had a penis to start with, Grease!” “Hey! Get yo filthy dickbeaters off my corvette before I put a bullet in your fucking head!” History/Bio: Damian was born and bred in Mendel. He grew up in the poor part of the city. His dad was an entrepreneur who owned his own mechanic shop in East Rail. His dad managed the shop and worked as a head mechanic, and his mom was the secretary at the front desk. The Shop, as Damian now calls it, was his father’s life. They lived in a small flat above The Shop, the three of them, and never really asked for much at all. Life was good; the bills were high and the income was low, but they always made it work. It was a charmed life, living above The Shop. Damian’s family rarely fought (in front of him, at least). Damian showed a knack for sports early in his life, and played quarterback in Pop Warner football. Damian’s powers slowly began to increase over time, and soon he was famous for being able to throw footballs extraordinarily accurately. In middle school, Damian got made fun of a lot because he wasn’t (and still isn’t) the most attractive guy to ever walk the earth. He always wore somewhat ragged clothes and never had much money. Then he met Peter Osten. Unlike most of the kids around, Pete didn’t judge Damian for his money, and the two became the best of friends. By their freshman year of high school, Damian and Peter were joined by Amber and Kylie. The four of them prowled the streets of East Mendel, hanging out and doing all kinds of illegal stuff. Damian was the varsity quarterback on the football team, and the gang would be there for every game, both home and away. He flourished in high school, getting fairly good grades and being a pro at sports. He broke the school record in discus and won the Louisiana state championships with a throw of 175ft. sophomore year (that is monstrously far). He won Penn Relays (a huge track meet) with a throw of 228ft. By this point, he knew that he had powers (he threw a football so hard once that it busted through a concrete wall) but through practice with Pete, he managed to learn how to control the power enough so that it wasn’t blatantly obvious. When Damian graduated high school, he could throw a discus 235 feet with his powers dialed down (but not absent), making him the best discus thrower in the country. He went to Mendel University on athletic scholarship, but the first year there, the NCAA started performing genetic tests to make sure that meta humans weren’t trying to cheat. He failed the gene test, but that wouldn’t have mattered anyways, because in the first meet of the year he was angry because his longtime girlfriend had been cheating on him, and so threw the discus four-hundred feet and caused it to glow via black body radiation. The discus was found four-hundred-fifty feet away from the ring, on fire and stuck into a concrete slab. Since he no longer played football, Damian had no sport to play in college, and he lost his scholarship. Damian’s parents couldn’t pay for a college education at MU, and so, with a heavy heart, his father had to tell Damian that he could no longer attend the university. Now that he couldn’t throw, Damian didn’t really care much about this. He decided to become a mechanic like his dad, and got training on the job. Then the riots came. When Pete killed that protester, the entire city went to shit with Damian still inside. Peter, Kylie, and Damian fought side-by-side against the humans, and when Peter became Skeleton, Damian was the one that rushed him to the hospital. Damian stuck by his friends through and through, and still does to this very day. The gang was his idea, and he, Grease, and Skeleton were the first three members. Damian is the only one of the original members of the Skulls who keeps in touch with his parents. He still works at The Shop every once in a while, and helps out his dad, who is going through the early stages of Parkinson’s Disease. Family: Arthur Sparks: Father. Works at The Shop. Danielle Sparks: Mother. Also works at The Shop. Claire Sparks: Younger sister. Is attending Sparrowdale Academy (superpower school in Nebraska). Relationships Relationships: | Peter Osten | Good | best friend | “I’d bleed for that fucker. He’s been my best bro for years.” | Kylie Detmer | Good | Best friend | “Kylie’s fucking awesome. She’s one of the coolest people I know, and one of my best friends.” | Matt Detmer | Good | Friend/colleague | “Skeleton’s a little sketchy on Matt being a leader, but I’m fine with it. The kid’s got great potential and he’s pretty fun to be around.” | Whisper Kiyoshi | neutral | ex-friend | "I don't hate Whisper like Pete does. I just really wish she hadn't run away like that all those years ago. I'm more disappointed than I am angry." Abilities: Power Class: It's control over a law of physics, so I guess super system? Power: Centripetal force manipulation. Basically, Damian can control and amplify centripetal force. In a nutshell, centripetal force is the force of acceleration behind circular motion. Centripetal force is what keeps things moving in circular motions, and why things like cars move faster when they move in a circular path. What this means for Damian is complete control over anything that spins. Damian can amplify the acceleration of objects moving in a circular pattern, amping up both their speed and force. Damian’s main weapon is a discus because it spins both during the throwing windup and after being let go (look it up on youtube). Thanks to his power, Damian can send discuses flying at speeds of nearly 350 miles per hour, fast enough to catch cars from behind and hard enough to obliterate whatever they strike (his discuses are made of carbon fiber and reinforced steel because they actually glow with heat in flight because they’re moving so fast). The discuses can tear through concrete and on more than one occasion have gutted SUVs. Damian can move extremely quickly in circular motions as well. He can move his arm so fast that he can curve bullets and deliver crushing blows. He can deliver spinning kicks hard enough to shatter bone, and he’s the only person in the world that can keep one of those damned novelty plastic spinning tops spinning for more than five seconds. Damian can limitedly influence the path of spinning objects that he has recently touched, making his throwing attacks much more accurate (ie don’t overdo it with the fucking autododge). Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks: Well firstly, Damian’s body wasn’t exactly made to throw bone-crushing punches or launch carbon fiber discs at blazing hot speeds. He can overexert himself extremely easily, and his spinning physical attacks can break one of his bones as easily as it can break an enemy’s bones. This essentially means that Damian has to hold back when in close quarters, because if he goes full bore, he could hurt himself just as badly as he hurts his enemy. Secondly, while Damian’s ranged weaponry is deadly fast and accurate, he can still miss, and if he does it’s not going to be pretty. The discuses Damian throws have so much force behind them that they can bust through concrete and obliterate automobiles; basically anything he hits is fucked. This can act as a weakness as well, because if Damian misses he could possibly harm innocents through collateral damage. His power is more like artillery than it is sniping in this sense. Because of this, Damian normally does not employ his weapons in crowded areas because he doesn’t want to kill any innocent people. Thirdly, Damian cannot break other laws of physics, ie the second law of motion (every action has an equal and opposite reaction). This means that if Damian really rips a weapon at full speed, he will be spinning for quite a bit to get rid of all the recoil. Spinning, of course, makes people dizzy, and so overexertion can cause Damian to become very dizzy, making him temporarily vulnerable. Other: Damian rides a black 2015 Harley-Davidson Night Rod Special into battle. The saddlebags on the motorcycle carry six extra discuses, as well as some throwing knives. [youtube]dWiB71D2IbI[/youtube]