Basic Information Name: Taylor Rouleau Nickname/Alias/Etc: Taylor, Ice Dancer, Glace Girl Gender: female Age: 21 Height: 5’6” Weight: 120 Faction: Neutral at the time being. Appearance Hair Color: Her hair is a gold-like blonde color. Eye Color: Sky blue. Ethnicity: French Physical Appearance: Being the daughter of a former model, Taylor has been gifted with very good looks. She is petite and somewhat frail-looking, as if she were a delicate glass sculpture, prone to breaking at any moment. She has perfect skin tone, pale enough to show that she’s not very outdoorsy but tan enough that she doesn’t look like a ghost. She has a long, graceful body, with long legs and hands that always move in elegant, sweeping gestures. She is compact in physique, with some curvature and a higher-than average bust-to-butt ratio, though her breasts are not large enough to turn heads. Her face is round and heart-shaped, with plump cheeks and a beauty mark near the left corner of her mouth. She has small ears that are always adorned by diamond stud earrings. Her eyes are sky blue, and seem rather wide above her soft nose. Her hair is kept a little below shoulder length, and is always tied up in a ponytail, bun, or french twist. She loves her hair very much, and takes great care of it, making sure that she never gets split ends or anything of the sort. Taylor is rather prone to acne, and so she puts herself on a strictly-regimented set of acne control creams and soaps. This, combined with her makeup, makes Taylor’s face look nearly flawless. Her lips are unnaturally red, and her eyelashes are unnaturally full. Her nails are always freshly manicured, and are usually painted white or clear. She keeps them longer than average, and has a habit of drumming them on things when she's bored. She has no tattoos of any kind, but she wants one on her left shoulder. However, knowing her family, she’d get in huge trouble if she got one, so she doesn’t bother with it. Taylor speaks with a pretty obvious French accent, although it is beginning to sound slightly less French because she’s been in America for so long. Attire: Ask yourself three questions when deciding if something is in Taylor’s wardrobe or not: 1) Is it designer? 2) is that designer French? 3) Does it cost more than most people’s weekly salaries? Basically, Taylor doesn’t mind flaunting around the fact that she has money using her clothing. She has no preference between pants or dresses, and relies solely on how cold it is outside to decide which to wear. In the summertime, she will wear flowing dresses and designer swimsuits, and in the wintertime, she will wear sweaters and warm leggings with designer boots. She is commonly seen wearing a white beret, as she finds it funny how stereotypical Americans think French hats are. When it’s cold out, she will switch to a knit beret to keep her head nice and warm. Almost every pair of shoes that Taylor owns have heels to them, as she’s paranoid about her height despite being of average height for a twenty-one-year-old human female. Taylor doesn’t exactly go skimpy on the jewelry either. She likes sapphires and diamonds, though only wears one at a time. She almost always wears a diamond ring on her right ring finger, and will switch it to her left when she’s in a place where she doesn’t want to be hit on. She prefers silver to gold. Taylor wears a charm bracelet on her right wrist. On it is a pair of dance slippers, a pair of ice skates, an Eiffel Tower, a bead with the letter C on it, and a pink breast cancer ribbon. She normally carries a designer purse with her. Personality Outward & Innate Personality: A life of riches can lead one to easily become pompous. Taylor is one of those people. Now she’s not the type to brag; she won’t walk around counting her money or telling you about how many yachts her father owns (the answer is four), but she is incredibly judgemental and generally turns her nose up at people who look dirty or non-rich. She almost subconsciously judges books by their covers, and disassociates herself with people who do not look or act like they have money. From a friend level, Taylor is alright. She’s a tad shy, and acts rather innocent when she’s in a group; you won’t find her making dick jokes anytime soon. She’s rather awkward, socially, often stumbling over words and lapsing into French when she makes a fool out of herself so that people can’t tell what she’s saying. She has a habit of talking to herself when she’s alone. The annoying aspect of Taylor is that she loves being the center of attention. It’s not uncommon for her to interrupt others simply to bring the focus of conversation back to herself. When out and about, Taylor looks like the “it” girl. She spends much of her time with friends (maybe a bit too much) and is always laughing. In reality, this is a mask to shroud her true feelings of insecurity and depression. Taylor was diagnosed with clinical depression at age thirteen. She takes medicine to help her deal with it, but she still has trouble fighting off the feelings of worthlessness and paranoia some days. She is very slow to trust, and always believes that the people she loves are going to abandon her someday and leave her all alone to die. Because of this, Taylor acts almost smotheringly towards friends and lovers. She’s quick to use the L-word in a relationship simply to keep the boy from leaving her, and it’s not the most complicated thing for a boyfriend to get her into bed. Now allow me to clarify here so that the name of Taylor Rouleau is not too overly-besmirched; Taylor is not what modern society would call a slut. She is not promiscuous for the sake of being promiscuous, but she will go out of her way to get romantic partners so attached to her that they won’t leave. She is very easily bothered by the idea of people leaving her. She cries a lot when no one’s watching. All in all, Taylor’s not really a bad person. Annoying, sometimes, but her motives are rarely sordid. She can be very sweet and kind to people who are her friends, but with the tradeoff of her attention whorism and capacity to smother people with warm fuzzy feelings. If you are someone who is patient and likes intimate relationships, then Taylor’s your girl. However, if you are generally introverted and not a fan of the warm fuzzy feelings parade, then Taylor could quite possibly rub you the wrong way. Hobbies/Interests: Dancing, ice skating, acting, painting, poetry; she’s very left-brained. Taylor doesn’t read often. She listens to a combination of classical and electronic music. She listens to everything from Yo Yo Ma to Coldplay to Brusspup. Her favorite artist by far is Lindsey Stirling. Her favorite food is French onion soup. She has a thing for aquatic animals, especially bright-colored fish. She has a sizeable fish tank in her house. Skills/Talents: Taylor goes to college for art, and so is a pretty good artist. She majors in dancing, and is amazing at ballet. She’s a fairly good artist too, able to draw decent paintings. Taylor’s true talent, however, lies in the ice rink. She is one of the best ice skaters in the country. She skates competitively, and was considering trying out for the French Olympic team until metas were banned from it. Her poetry in English sucks, but her French poetry isn’t half-bad. She speaks better French than she does English, though she speaks English well too. Prized Possession: Probably her charm bracelet. Quote(s): “If there is a soul, it is made of water. Water in its truest form is pure and calm and washes away all imperfection.” History/Bio: Taylor was born in Marseille, a coastal city in southern France. She grew up rich and overprivileged, her father being a millionaire president of a perfume company. Taylor’s mother was a supermodel, but her dad wasn’t exactly the best at keeping women happy, and so by age four, they divorced. Taylor was mostly raised by her stepmother, who was American. Her stepmother was a former ballet dancer, and she enrolled Taylor in dance classes as soon as she could. Taylor showed herself to be very adept at ballet, and while on a family vacation in the Italian Alps discovered a love for ice skating. She discovered her power at age eight while at the beach. There was a wounded sea turtle laying on the beach, dying, and Taylor willed an orb of water to carry it back into the sea. Her father, having a reputation to keep up, kept his daughter’s powers secret. Taylor grew up thinking that she was a freak. Despite her father’s stern warnings, Taylor never stopped practicing, and soon became quite skilled with her abilities. At age fifteen, Taylor was “practicing” her abilities in the family’s backyard koi pond when she lost control and accidentally smacked a business partner of her father’s in the face with a fish. This was the last straw for her father, and so he sent her to an American superpower training school; Academy 218. While at the Academy, Taylor learned how to use her powers well, and returned home two-and-a-half years later with an incredible amount of skill. She returned home to a shock; her mother had breast cancer. She stayed home for a year, despite her father’s apparent loathing for her abilities (which she showed off whenever possible) and took care of her mother. After about a year, her mother began to recover, and Taylor began to look for some sort of employment, not wanting to be one of those heiresses who just sit around and do nothing. She auditioned for a French ballet school’s production of The Nutcracker, and got the part of the Sugar Plum Fairy. Her dancing impressed many people, especially a talent scout from the Johnathan Corvo University of the Performing Arts in Mendel. She went on a full ride (though she didn’t need it) and her father, to get her away from his house primarily, paid for all of her expenses and for a fancy penthouse condominium. This is where Taylor stands now, a young, filthy-rich dancer on her way to becoming famous. Family: Antoine Rouleau II- Father Marie Delacroix-Mother Natalie Rouleau- Stepmother Marissa Rouleau- Stepsister Justin Smith-Rouleau- Brother Relationships Relationships: Abilities Power Class: Elemental Power: Taylor has the ability to manipulate water. In essence, she is a waterbender, like from Avatar. As this ability is very broad and is hard to specifically define, I will instead give examples of what Taylor can do with water, rather than just say “she can throw water and shit” a bunch of different ways. To accomplish this task, I will use the magical power of bullet points! -Water manipulation. Basically waterbending. Taylor can move water telekinetically, allowing her to utilize it both offensively and defensively. Offensively, she can whip orbs of water at high speeds, and can use its surface tension to deal physical damage to enemies. She can use surface tension defensively as well by making shields out of fast-moving water. They can’t repel bullets, but in a pinch can work to repel debris and weaker physical attacks. -Sensory scrying. Taylor has perfected the ability to sense minute ripples in the surface tension of standing water, allowing her to use water to greatly amplify her hearing. She can use puddles and raindrops to sense when people are coming, and in rain can actually form a visual map of her surroundings using the surface tensions of raindrops. -Temperature regulation/resistance. Water is renowned for its high heat capacity and low cold tolerance. Taylor’s tissues are saturated with water (just a byproduct of her ability), and she can use this water to form a shield against heat and cold. It is more difficult than average to burn Taylor, and she can survive hot climates much better than your average mook. Also, because her tissues are so saturated, Taylor almost never needs to drink to survive. -Water affinity. Taylor cannot drown, and when underwater she is able to breathe indefinitely. She can swim without moving, simply by bending the water around her, and can use her scrying not only to get a map of the area around her, but to hear what is going on above the surface. -Taylor will eventually be able to manipulate the other forms of water as well (Ice and steam) but cannot as of yet. Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks: Firstly, Taylor cannot produce her own water. She needs to get a source from somewhere, thus why she carries a few bottles of water with her at all times. No water source equals no power. Weather affects her power as well. If Taylor is in a hot dry climate, she will be weaker than she would be in the rain. Secondly, Taylor cannot control water that is mixed with oil. This prevents her from using water dirtied by synthetic oils, but more importantly prevents her from being able to manipulate the water in biological organisms. Thirdly, the more diluted a water source is, the less Taylor can control it. She is best with fresh water, and has learned how to skillfully bend saltwater, but has problems moving dirty or muddy water, as well as other thick liquids (though she has practiced the art of alcohol manipulation and has gotten fairly good at it). Other: [youtube]mb2QoaBy8ao[/youtube]