Ssarak Dyreackthanose --- "Your health is paramount, of course. If we cannot bring you back to sufficient health, then we can find a way to..." Ssarak began, but was interrupted when he heard the familiar sound of Lyn's thoughts in his mind. He leaned down to her and accepted the rune she offered him. Once he realized what it was, he gave her a smile. "Thank you, Lyn. This will be very helpful." Ssarak said warmly before standing back up and looking to Meirin. "I know not from where she received it, but Lyn had a vitamancy rune. They are powerful tools, and this one seems to be ready to use. From what I remember about them, it might take a while to heal an injury like yours, but I will help you with it. It is usually easier for another to use it on you, instead of using it on yourself anyway. I just need to get Alaira help first. She seems to be suffering from blood sickness, and while time can heal that, I would rather be safe." Ssarak explained. He reached out and placed the rune into Meirin's hand, being careful not to do anything to harm her injured arms. "Here, take the rune. If you do not mind, I will be by your room shortly to help heal you. Oh, and could you look after Lyn in the meantime? We will need to find a solution to the situation with her soon enough." Though he would have liked to help Meirin immediately, Ssarak was actually rather concerned about Alaira's state. As was all-too common with her, it seemed she had over-exerted herself on the bridge and was now paying the price. Generally, blood sickness was not lethal, but he wanted to make sure she was well taken care of, even if he was just going to end up scolding her later. Walking to the back of the wagon, he carefully picked her up in his arms and walked through town until he found his way to the physician's place of business. They would have to use their own gold to pay for the treament...or more accurately, Alaira's gold. Ssarak was willing to go to great lengths to ensure her safety, and even risk his own life if necessary, but he wasn't going to pay for it with his own gold. He wasn't [i]that[/i] generous.The physician was a human male herbamancer, and given his role in the town, he did not have to ask what Ssarak wanted when he walked in with an unconscious woman in his arms. Instead, his first words were "What happened to her?" "We were ambushed by bandits by the bridge on the road from the Twilight College. I do not believe she was injured by the bandits, but she is suffering from blood sickness. Is that something you can treat?" Ssarak asked. The physician nodded affirmatively as he guided Ssarak into the room where he normally treated his patients. "Yes, I can use an ether for that. I can also watch after her until she recovers." He offered. "This will, of course, come at a cost, but I can assure you she will be well-cared for." "That will not be a problem." Ssarak answered, placing her down on the physician's cot. He spent a few minutes negotiating on price. Even if it wasn't his money he was spending, he would at least try not to use all of her gold. Once that was settled, he made sure she had nothing valuable on her to be safe, then took his leave to return to the inn and help Meirin with her recovery.