An official looking goat walks in to the meeting room. He is wearing a goofy army hat, with at least on metetric ton of badges upon it. He sits down on one of the empty chairs and proceeds to look uncomfortable. He opens his mouth to speak, but looks a bit distant. He remembers and then speaks with a serious look on his face. [i]Well, the Goblin King is missing. You probally read the letter we sent, because if you didn't, well you wouldn't be here. This stuff is so sercet, only me and you fellows know about it. Not anyone in the whole of the G.O.O.P knows it. It's only Ten Days before the great Goblin Speech comes along, and if you don't save him, we'll have a whole goat damn WAR on our hands. We appointed you all because you haven't done anything of importance, or all the everyone who saw is dead. We need to keep this on the down low, first word to the goblins means a war. You each will be paid 500,000,000 gold EACH. That five hundred million, for those who can't hear numbers right. I would suggest heading to Doomed Town about 5 miles from here, and getting in to the mercenary's guild somehow. Check the request board and see if the job is up there. Or go to the Seer, and see what he can see.[/i] He gets up and leaves, slamming the door. On the table, one gold bag for everyone in the room appeared, each with 100 gold in them. A note was attached to one. It stated "You're welcome- GM."