Name: Haserus Flurcon Age: 30 Race: Redguard/Imperial Class: Warrior Appearance: Haserus Flurcon stands equal to Nords, a hefty high of 6 feet 3 inches which suits his lean, toned frame. He bears a scar from the corner of his right eye that stretches diagonally downwards, ending slightly below his left nostril. Naturally lean, Haserus' body displays a figure that has trained for years, improving consistently. He has large pectoral muscles and notable adominals, which would look like perfection were it not for the two scars that run horizontally (A feature Haserus is somewhat proud of). His arms suit his torso, big to the point of attracting the attention of a Nord, but toned enough to put them to shame. In it's entirety, you could say Haserus has the body of an athlete that participated in grueling resistance workouts mixed with intensive cardio sessions. His eyes are an emerald green, a trait he derives from his mothers side of the family. He has slender eyebrows and a normal nose. He has unkept, messy brown hair, almost the shade of mahogany. Who needs neat hair when you're constantly fighting? He has slightly tanned skin, a mixture of his half Redguard, half Imperial lineage. Personality: Haserus is a very prideful individual who is beyond confident in his fighting abilities, perhaps even straying into arrogance. This is reflected in his larger than life ego, particularly inflated due to his strikingly good looks. You could go as far to call him a selfish individual with little regard to anyone but himself, however Haserus has on occasion managed to do the right thing. Despite this, he is an unquestionably loyal man who will always keep to his word, and those who know him manage to see past his narcissistic, selfish demeanor. Some even say that this is a front, and that he does have a heart, however he will probably just laugh at these ushered words. Witty and quick to retort, he is a 'marmite' character, those who get to know him will (eventually) come to like him, however on first impressions you would quickly believe him to be a self centered person. Bio: Haserus was unable to live a life experienced by the majority from the second he was born. His father was a gladiator, willingly participating in grueling fights to the death for the love of the crowds and plentiful coin. His mother was the daughter of an Imperial noblewoman, who forbid romance with such a rough individual. After running off with his father and giving birth to Haserus, she met a grisly end yet he was never informed of the circumstances. In his early years, his upbringing was predominantly influenced by his father and his fathers sword. Growing to become enthusiastic in his fathers profession, Haserus was using sticks as swords as other youngsters played imaginary games, and when they too began to become interested in the warriors of old, he would often severely beat them. His father often showed him how to wield a blade and by the age of ten, Haserus was challenging the older kids to a duel with wooden swords, embarrassing them as he overcame them with ease. After his fathers death in the arena at the age of thirteen, Haserus was adopted by his fathers close friends, a bunch of older men who had once been famous (yet most likely infamous) mercenaries whom had traveled far and wide. Spotting his prodigious talent, they each began to train him in their areas of combat expertise, and by the age of sixteen Haserus was able to use axes, maces and bows as efficiently as he was able to wield a sword. He spent all of his time practicing, training, pushing his body to its limits and beyond in his quest to become the greatest warrior he could possibly be. In his later years, Haserus spent his time challenging those with reputations, beating them and then challenging others. His Imperial heritage enabled him to benefit greatly from training whilst his Redguard side had naturally enabled him to be an opponent you would not underestimate. Eventually, tired of winning, Haserus roamed the lands as a Mercenary, participating in feuds and battles of great and small proportions. This was until he heard of the Dragonborn- He was determined to defeat this being of immense power, yet learning of his death, Haserus settled on the next best thing. He would become a slayer of dragons, and his prowess of being the greatest warrior would be universally known and feared. Upon reaching Skyrim, his reputation had exceeded him as a slayer of heroes. Equipment: [img=] Armour notes: The Armour is Ebony, enchanted to be extremely light thus allowing Haserus optimal mobility of which will enable to use his skill to his full potential. On his legs however, the 'skirt' is made of leather, but it has Ebony attached to it to avoid his legs being cut. His armour is black, with beautiful, angel white carvings of legendary clashes between heroes elegantly implemented, signaling armour of an individual with high status. The plume upon his helmet is also white. Shield: A slightly larger roundshield than a guards, it is made of Elven ingots but custom crafted to the desired look. It has been painted black and enchanted for enhanced durability, able to absorb power attacks without hurting him although they can stagger him. (Come on, he's not a heavy dude :P ) Weapons: He has two Ebony swords, crafted by a highly renowned blacksmith of old. However, they were not originally his, and he took them from an extremely skilled Elven swordsman he once faced in a challenge, which was also how he obtained the scar across his eye. They are very durable and razor sharp, sacrificing length (they are slightly shorter than a normal sword) for stability, speed and precision. One is enchanted to shock, whilst the other is enchanted to burn. Additionally he carries a hand-axe, sheathed on his right hand side. It is made of an unknown material and has a malevolent, red aura. Taken from a slain champion of Molag-Bal. Although not being an artifact of the Daedric Prince, it has an enchantment that has always perked Haserus up when used, therefore he believes it to be somewhat of healing properties. Other: His fighting style is that of sword and shield, or dual wielding swords. He is extremely quick on his feet, able to deal out a lot of damage in a quick frame of time. His armour is even geared towards his strengths as even though it is very strong, there isn't a great deal of it on the legs and arms. What he lacks in range and magic, he makes up for in his close combat prowess. This is more than a lifestyle for him, perhaps even a religion.