Isak gave a polite half-bow and painfully mustered a smile as Madison introduced herself. It was nice to see that, at least for one survivor, the courtesies of polite society had survived the shipwreck. Her mention of drinking water reminded him of his own thirst, where before he'd been focused entirely on the aching stiffness in his limbs. Isak was already feeling the sting of the sun's rays on his skin, too. He didn't really tan, but rather burned quickly in the intense tropical illumination. It was a feature of his heritage, and one of the reasons he particularly disliked warm weather. To Isak, 25 degrees (~77 F) was hot, and here it was a lot closer to 35. And in his crew uniform, long sleeves and dress pants... it was a little ridiculous. He took a seat in the sand and removed his shoes as he introduced himself, "I'm Isak. I was a navigator on the ship..." he trailed off midsentence, but picked up the thought just a moment later, "... and you're the first soul I've seen since washing up on this island. Did you know anyone aboard that you're looking for? Have you met other survivors? Wait, no. Water first. And shade, you should get out of the sun. Do forgive me for talking so much, but it's just so nice to find someone else alive." Isak motioned toward the clearing he'd just come from, where two trees grew close together and offered shelter from the sun.