[quote=Zane620] Inside Nene's room which was filled with various parts, she sat at a desk tinkering with a small circular device while frowning. "Finish my work will you. Well how about I one up your lazy ass and take control of Gillians with ease, granted this would be my fifty third time trying, to tame a Gillian..." Nene mumbled to herself, her hair having reverted back to its original color a long time ago, from her previous encounter with Kagiko. After a few minutes she picked up the small device and smiled. "Okay lets try this again. And because i took every precaution possible, it should succeed for sure this time. So why don't I go rub it in Kagiko's face." Nene said triumphantly, as she picked up a small pill first as she made her way to the captains office after hearing what happened with Zero. she knockd on the door and when she heard nothing as a response, she snapped the pill and opened the door slightly as she tossed the capsule in the room, shortly afterwords smoke would fill up the room. [/quote] Kagiko had gone out for a nice calm walk to just relax a bit, he hadn't even started to move his stuff into what would be his new office so that would have to wait a little, However feeling refreshed Kagiko made his way back to the Squad 12 barracks and towards his new office and the second he got there he saw Nene open the door then throw something in, this caused Kagiko to rub the back of his head as he then walked up behind Nene and tapped her on the shoulder, smiling as he did "What do you think you're doing?"