[u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [i]Abigail O'Reilly[/i] [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] [i]Rabbit[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Height:[/b] 165 cm [b]Weight:[/b] 70 kg [b]Faction:[/b] Vanguard [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [b]Hair Color:[/b] Purple/black [b]Eye Color:[/b] Green [b]Ethnicity:[/b] Caucasian - Irish [b]Physical Appearance:[/b]Rabbit’s skin is as pale as any true Irish woman should be, and she’s proud of her heritage, even if she can never get a tan in the summer. She has the appearance of someone weak, someone who's used to being abused and trampled on. When it comes to her appearance she’s the perfect example of how appearances can be deceiving, how one shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. Rabbit is more peculiar looking than she is attractive or ordinary. She would stand out in most crowds or groups. Her upper body looks rather normal on first glance, not fit for any heavy manual labour or close combat nor appealing in a feminine way. Her lower body and legs on the other hand seems out of place on her when compared to her torso and arms, as they are somewhat big, muscular and athletic. Her hips are large, while her bust is small. She never skips leg day; in fact, it’s her main focus when she does work out. She’s got facial features that make her look easily frightened, ready to run away and hide at a moment’s notice. Rabbit does often keep an eye on her surroundings as if she was expecting to be ambushed, cut down or worse. Her eyes are a dark green shade, and her hair is long, flowing down along her figure to her stomach. She keeps it tied up in a ponytail as she hates when it gets in her face, the wind takes or it just generally acts uncontrollably. It’s dyed purple with black highlights. Her nickname was something people started using to bully her, but that was years ago. She’s since embraced it to the point where she’s got a number of tiny rabbit footprints tattooed over her body, starting in the corner of her right eye, leading downwards along her torso and legs. She doesn’t have any other tattoos. [b]Attire:[/b] Rabbit almost always wears tight leather pants with a belt that has a golden buckle in the shape of a rabbit’s head. On her feet she wears gothic boots that are heavier than normal footwear, as they are adorned with metal details and have been reinforced with metal for that extra power when kicking. She likes T-shirts that are loose, too big for her and has some kind of colourful print on the front. She rarely dresses in any formal or pretty outfits, and she isn’t much of a fan of makeup either. Her favourite accessory is a pair of star-shaped sunglasses, because they add that little extra quirk and allows her to check others out without them noticing. Sometimes she’ll wear a jacket with the crossed keys on the back, other times she’ll wear a longer jacket that has no symbols on it to give away her affiliation. [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [b]Outward & Innate Personality:[/b] Rabbit is paranoid, whether she has a real reason to be it or not doesn’t matter much to her. She’s lived with it for most of her life, and her skittishness was what made others start to call her the nickname she still has. Her paranoia makes her reluctant to reveal stuff about herself to others, makes her doubt people’s loyalty and makes it difficult for her to relax. She doesn’t acknowledge that she is any more paranoid than anyone else and even jokes about it at times when she may have said something strange. She may doubt everyone and everything at times, but she is still mainly a good person that is more willing to help others than harm them in any way. However, she wouldn’t hesitate to protect herself and fight for a good cause when provided with one. She isn’t particularly unreliable as a person despite this, more often than not sticking to her convictions, believing herself strong enough to counter each of the betrayals that she has come to expect at every turn. Rabbit has got a plan on how to deal with each of these betrayals as well. She’s read too many superhero comics, which makes her want to live up to an ideal that’s impossible for any real human to constantly live by. She has a distinct irish accent when she talks. [b]Hobbies/Interests:[/b] Rabbit is a nature enthusiast, and loves animals. In her apartment she’s got a cat and a dog living with her, together with a bunch of plants. She misses Ireland for its nature and people sometimes, but not much else since she can still take part of its music and chat with her family online. She enjoys running, capoeira and using her legs while fighting or exercising. Her favourite music is Celtic punk, which she annoys her neighbours by playing too loud every now and then. She’s got boxes full of comic books hidden away in a closet somewhere. Her favourite is spiderman. Her top movie list would consist of sci-fi. [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] A fast runner with great endurance, and purple belt in capoiera. She has an exellent hand when it comes to animals and there are few who doesn't like her instantly. Rabbit was taught by her father how to survive in the wild, how to take care of her own wounds and how to fish. [b]Prized Possessions:[/b] Her cat and her dog. [b]Quote:[/b] [i]"There is no such thing as paranoia. Your worst fears can come true at any moment."[/i] [b]Family:[/b] Thomas O'Reilly/ Father / Alive. Lives in Dublin, Ireland. Hannah O'Reilly/ Mother / Alive. Lives in Dublin, Ireland. Aileen O'Reilly/ Sister / Alive. Lives in Dublin, Ireland. Claire O'Reilly/ Aunt / Alive. Lives in New Orleans. [u][b]Relationships[/b][/u] [b]Amber Kiyoshi[/b] | [b]Neutral[/b] | [b]Boss[/b] | [i]"My boss. She's cool enough, but probably has some kind of hidden agenda so I wouldn't trust her too much."[/i] | [b]Umi[/b] | [b]Neutral[/b] | [b]Ex[/b] | [i]"We had fun until she did what she did. We're only friends now."[/i] | [b]Sammy[/b] | [b]Good[/b] | [b]Potential Friend[/b] | [i]"I like him. He's probably the least likely of them to betray me."[/i] | [b]Skeleton[/b] | [b]Bad[/b] | [b]Enemy[/b] | [i]"I've never met him, but I don't like him or anyone in that gang."[/i] | [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Power Class:[/b] Spatial [b]Power:[/b] - [i]Teleportation[/i] Rabbit is a master in the use of teleportation. She can move instantaneously from one point to another, giving her an edge when it comes to movements that few others possesses, or can control like she can. It can be used both defensively and offensively. Defensively she can use it to quickly retreat to a safer position or dodge an incoming attack. Offensively she can use it to flank an enemy, appear right next to or above them, to then attack and retreat before they have gotten a chance to react if she executes the movement well. Her skills in capoeira come in handy when combined with her teleportation. Transposon within her genes makes it all possible. She can teleport objects as well, dropping them next to or above people. If the object is already moving she can change its course. Rabbit can also create teleportation warps, just like Blink in Days of Future Past. She can use it to move allies from one point to another to avoid harm coming to them. Against an attacking enemy it could be used to move them in a way that they end up missing their target and hitting something else or nothing. [b]Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks:[/b] When teleporting objects she can't teleport an object that she wouldn't be able to lift on her own, nor can she teleport objects inside of other people. While she can teleport her own body long distances, she needs to see the areas where she places teleportation warps, making them short distance only. The longest she's ever been able to teleport in one jump was 1km, but the longer a distance she covers in one jump the more fatigued she becomes, which means she's more effective in a battle if she only uses short distance leaps. It becomes easier if she knows the area she's teleporting too well, and harder if she doesn't. [u][b]Other:[/b][/u] Genome. [youtube]0FPRDJF_W7Q[/youtube]