Two Weeks earlier in Regna Ferox Jacob sighed as he once again went over the papers on his desk, it couldn't be coincidence, no these had to be related. The attacks were to close and patterned, Grimleal? No they had no influence in this region, bandits more than likely, but well organized the attacks were not simple bumpkins with axes. They had at least basic strategy and some discipline, this would require investigation, well he had been thinking about going home, now he had an excuse to return. One Week earlier in Regna Ferox Jacob nodded as he finished packing the last of his books and writing tools as he heard footsteps approaching. He turned to the person walking towards him and was meet with the sight of his former employer and friend, the western Khan Basilio. “Khan Basilio, here to see me off?” Jacob said with a smile, the young man wore his silver robe with intricate red designs and a hidden pocket for a spell tomes, under the robe was his scabbard and his simple metal chest plate. His red hair fell into his eyes emerald eyes, yet Basilio knew that under all that lay a brilliant mind. The Khan smiled patting the young tactician on the head “Yes boy, I’m sorry to see you go, I’ve had your pay transferred to the capital of Ylisse so you don’t have to travel with all you have on your back. Also I wanted to wish you luck in your bandit hunt, just be careful you have to come back and win me the right to lead Ferox next year!” Laughed the Khan as he patted Jacob on the back, the man had given him his first real chance. Letting him devise strategies to fend off Risen over the past couple years. He had done well in Ferox all that training and experience, now it was time, he could start helping his homeland, Ylisse. Present day Jacob bit into one of the honey trail rations he purchased in Ferox as walked over the hill towards the first village on his list, it looked peaceful and quiet. That soon came to an end when he heard a young man scream,”No! I’m too late!” He thought as he surged forward pulling a magic tome from his ornate robe. Were the bandits attacking this village already? Thoughts raced through his head as he near the town he noticed no attackers just a crowd near the barn the former soldier sighed relaxing some as he loosen his grip on the tome. That’s when he spotted the young man who had screamed, a farmer, he looked as common as the others, though perhaps a bit more determined. His eye’s settled on a girl close to his age, he immediately began to size her up, fast, obviously she had gotten there before the villagers and found a spot to conceal herself from them, he had barely noticed her and he was trained to spot ambushes! Next she seemed armed, with what he couldn't tell, and lastly she was watching the commotion carefully. It clicked, she was a thief, here to scout for the bandits perhaps? Or maybe an independent one, he would have to ask her, for now it seemed best to deter her. He walked over and tapped her on the shoulder deciding to move his robe slightly so she could see his armor, sword, and spell book, hoping she would not attack if she saw he was armed. He spoke softly yet with purpose “May I speak with you please miss?” He waited for a response hoping it would not be a violent one.