Well that's what I get for getting sick AND having to replace my computer all at once, I suppose. Probably for the best, sometimes getting stuff started is where I have the most trouble. One thing I did want to mention for this was that it would be pretty cool (not required, but cool) if people doing lyrics wanted to re-word existing songs that their character might be singing into something that fits what's happening in the RP. Anyway: Appearance: She stands about 6'4" and has a shock of red hair reaching between her shoulder blades- she clearly doesn't put too much effort into keeping her hair neat, and it looks like it could benefit from a wash. Half the time she has a cigarette hanging from her mouth, and the common assumption that she wears sunglasses to hide her hungover, bloodshot eyes is frequently correct. Her clothes aren't anything fancy, making use of a lot of denim simply for durability. Much of it looks worn, and not the pre-worn kind. Name: Keeva Andrews Age: 25 Gender: Female Group Name: Solo, used to be part of a band, got kicked out Instrument: Modified cross between a keytar and an electric guitar (think a double necked guitar with one neck being a keytar) and vocals Style: Grungy rock Personality ((Optional)): Keeva usually comes across as a bitch. She's very much not a lady, and would probably fit in better in a pub fight than she would a red-carpet media event. She actually somewhat dislikes her powers, as having them means she can't just be a musician anymore but has a responsibility to help protect against monsters. This frustration can be helpful though, as it gives her a lot of pent up anger to take out on the monsters when they show up. On an unrelated note, she has a fairly infamous lack of manners, usually being quite direct and blunt to the point of insulting at times. She's the kind of person who wouldn't see any problem with putting her feet up on the desk while having an interview for a job. Bio ((Optional)): Any background check on Keeva will quickly show that she was in and out of juvie through her youth, and has had on-again off-again trouble with the law since- she only gets away with half of the stuff she does now due to her status as an empowered musician. Keeva had barely been tolerated in the group she was in before her abilities manifested, and once she began having to go fight monsters she was fairly quickly booted from the group and replaced. She hasn't achieved quite the level of media popularity as some of the other empowered musicians, but that's just fine by her. She still makes decent money from her music / rewards from helping fight monsters, but nobody is entirely sure what she does with it all, beyond smoke and drink a lot of it away. Other: If she were to have a 'signature move', it would be a riff-empowered powerslide that does way too much collateral damage.