Camael shook her head in a clear indication of her disagreement. "No, they weren't mentally ill. They simply fell for your kind's temptation." She gestured widely with her hands, pertaining to the tainted city before them. "To feel something, you must destroy something as beautiful as life. Are you satisfied with that, demon?" she spat out as if the word was poison and she couldn't wait for it to leave her mouth. She thought back to the angels who weeped above for the destruction that befell those made in their image. She thought of the humans who cried out in pain at all the chaos and sin that covered the world. And she thought of the Creator. To have something He'd given his unconditional love for turn their back on Him because the demons needed to 'feel something in their rotted chests'? Despicable. "Utterly despicable," Camael muttered, her hands clenching into fists at her sides.