[center]ALWAYS OPEN[/center] The kingdom of Rulska has created a new division to increase it's military power, however this division is top secret and only the higher ranks and King now about the division X, a division which is formed by orphan children found in the streets, children that do not have nothing to lose and will do whatever it takes to get some bread, children that do not know what is good and evil. However before they are ready for missions they must be trained in an academy in the middle of nowhere...an assassins academy... [img]http://i932.photobucket.com/albums/ad162/LadyMiyayuki/412986-takagiestate_anime_super.jpg[/img] [url=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/125/f/5/haunted_forest_by_reneaigner-d6492p7.jpg]At the south of the academy is the death forest, from were you arrive to the school[/url] [url=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/123/1/f/creavures_background___swamp_by_musegames-d3fidxy.jpg]At the north is the silent swamp[/url] [url=http://media.animevice.com/uploads/0/9923/482841-screenshot1208.jpg]At the east is the giant fishes river[/url] [url=http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/1477123-bigthumbnail.jpg]At the west the mountains[/url] [url=http://shugendokaininjutsudojo.webs.com/photos/martial-shop/dc84d9de55f6a604d904bd51f085a24c.png]Recruits uniforms[/url] [centre]Recruit character sheet[/centre] Appearence Name Age (0-18) Weapon (You will not start with your weapon, you will be given the weapon) Info you want to add?: [center]Teachers character sheet[/center] Appearence Name: Age: Teacher of: Weapon: Info you want to add: [centre]STARTING[/centre] The recruits all in a wagon, two men are talking them to the academy and they are about to arrive. The teachers can decide what to do [centre]RULES[/centre] -What i say goes -Humans only, i will allow some fantasy -more rules will be added if needed -Write "i kill for bread" at the end of your cs [center]Recruits[/center] -Tear Grants -Caspian Lee Argo -Jack Ripper -James Hunter -Peter Mitchell -Molly Galbreath -Allen Price - Lea [center]Teachers[/center] -Leonard "Leo" Hawthorne -> Long-range weapons -Mayumi Lyall -> Short range weapons