It's alright, thanks for always dropping updates and best of luck with everything, Four :D! Don't worry, you won't miss too much. I'm leaving on Friday morning, and posting is pretty out of the question until Tuesday night. I'll be posting tomorrow night before I leave to make up for it though and will be on the OOC. The tea party will probably last two weeks at most, so Leila has time to hop in. It'd be neat if everyone manages to be present for the big decision the Lost Souls are going to make. I hope for the same thing, Thunder. RPG is the most user friendly RPing forum I've ever seen xD. Iwaku has lot of awesome features, but it's kind of confusing and cluttered, then again, maybe that's just me, haha. Hello, Paper, nice username :)! Thank you very much for the interest, but as Crescendo has said, we're no longer accepting. Best of luck with your RP endeavors and I hope that the mornight treats you wonderfully~