Aislin could [i]feel[/i] the footsteps closing in on her, catching up at an alarming rate. The very earth trembled under his feet. She couldn't run any faster. Her mind was exhausted; this whole extended consciousness thing drained her severely. It was a losing battle, Luis was seconds behind her. She was going to die, for real this time.  At least the last monster felt bad about eating her.  This man... This murderous dog, he would feel no remorse. It would only be by incredible luck that anyone would discover her body sliced open in the caves weeks after. It sounded like a pitiful way to die, not at all as exciting as she wanted. She couldn't begin to fend off this monster. Hell, [i]any[/i] monster. And it would be her undoing.  [i]I'm dead... And no one will know.[/i] She thought somberly, the devil's breath on her neck.  BOOM! A deafening shot exploded throughout the caverns, sound waves ricochetting off the walls. Aislin tumbled over her own feet, landing in a heap on the path. A high-pitched whine reverberated in her ears, blocking out the whimpers she failed to hear escape her lips. She frantically searched the darkness behind her, looking just as another shot violated her eardrums. For an instant the cave lit up, and she beheld a masked figure standing over the devil's collapsed body. Flicks of blood splashed on Aislin as the last shot went through his head.  Then, it was quiet. Deathly so. Aislin shivered on the ground, waiting for a third bullet to take her out. But it didn't come, the softest of footfalls disappearing into the depths of the caves. She was alone with a corpse that had been moments from killing her. Was it luck? Divine intervention? Who was it that saved her this time?  Aislin slowly rose to her feet, using the wall as support. The air stank of copper and iron, twisting her stomach. Nausea built up in her throat, and she pressed a hand to her mouth. Her curiosity was beyond satisfied, all she wanted was to leave. Screw the blue lady, her adventure almost got her killed.  [i]"Aislin!"[/i] The air stirred beside her, speaking in a warped tone. [i]"What... What happened...?"[/i] Ailsin recognized the tone, even if she couldn't see. [b]"Dana..."[/b] She hung her head, exhaustion and post-shock bearing full force on her. Cold tears seeped from her eyes as she wiped blood off her face. Her body shivered uncontrollably. [b]"... The m-m-monster on the ground... He was seconds from murdering me... Before s-someone... Murdered him."[/b] She choked, trying to hold back the sobs.  Her head spun painfully. [b]"Please... Get me out of here..."[/b]