Alright heroes, I have some minor villains for you to deal with if you don't know what to do with yourself. Lunatic Nero is a cult leader of the Gorgom Plot who wants to kill people to summon their "Creation King" to take over the world. Currently has an army of "Dead Masks" which are pretty much zombies. There are like, hundreds of them in Metropolis Square, though not in the same area where The End and Lady Asyr fought. Currently are being dealt with by Noelle herself. Lunatic Nero won't show up until later depending on what happens to his Dead Masks. Guts Man is a giant monster thing made of guts and stuff. Uses a spiked chain and giant meat cleaver as his weapon. He kills people to add guts to his body to make himself bigger and stronger. Hasn't killed anyone yet but would likely kill the officers trying to stop him. Morde is some sort of entity of death that manipulates life energy. Currently, he's holding a subway train full of passengers hostage with demands unknown until someone goes to deal with him. Notably, he's immune to nonmagical weapons. Death Claw is a mutant burglar. Not quite as manically evil as the other three, but still a criminal. --- For you villains out there I also got some secondary heroes to get in your way, but you haven't really done anything yet for me to throw them at you. Not to say that you villains can't go against my villains either; one of the four villains I made might know something about The End which could help you find him. Same goes for you heroes too; deal with the right bad guy and you might get a clue with what The End did to defeat Lady Asyr. All I ask is that you don't control the Villains without my permission. PM me if you want them to do anything in particular. They are [B]NOT[/B] easy to defeat, so no one-shotting. The Dead Mask are easy to kill, but there are a lot of them.