The attacks went off beautifully. The combination of Amphere's lightning surge and Rampion's cannon blast struck the beast's exposed maw, sending a shock into it. Here, it's armored plating couldn't really stop it the blow from hitting. It was, unfortunately, less effective than would have been ideal. It's jaw snapped shut in response, narrowly missing Amalger as the boy was hauled out of the way. The Basilisk pulled back, straining against the ice that encased its leg in the burst of violent rage. It roared in protest against the teams that currently battled against it. This didn't stop it from trying to attack, though. It opened its mouth once more, it's tongue lashing out. It wasn't accepting the fact that this morsel had been snatched from its mouth and he wasn't going to let the frozen leg stop him. However, Nevin was on the move again, shooting past the two and closing the distance in an instant. The Basilisk saw this coming and hesitated in its attack, wary of its weak point now. Instead of capitalizing on this, though, Nevin's right sword was jabbed into the ground, skewering the tongue in place. It roared in anger as the appendage was caught. The boy wasn't done with it, however. He vaulted up, using the bony plate on its face as leverage to launch himself into the air. Retrieving two small crystals, one yellow and the other red, he held them tightly, focusing on his powers. Both orbs shattered, flame and lightning engulfing his form momentarily. Like a meteor, he shot downward, his other sword crashing into the rocky bridge, straight threw the beast's tongue. Another roar rocked the group as it reared back, its violent response to the pain finally being enough to shatter the ice that encased its leg. It backed up two steps before lowering its head and glaring down the group in question, wary after having one of its means of attacking taken away from it. For his part, Nevin drew out his second sword again, flipping it in his hand as the flames and lightning shed away from his skin. There were a few light burns on his skin, nothing drastic but enough to question if the results warranted such an attack. He didn't seem to notice them, though, holding his swords ready. “We can't break through the bone,” he stated. “Enyo, Gwyn! Aim for its eyes!” He glanced towards the other melee focused members of their group. “We need to keep the thing focused on us. It'll shield the tender portions of its body if it realizes our intent. If we can blind it, though, we might be able to get it off this bridge entirely.” He didn't voice the rest of his plan, but he knew the link would provide enough detail. Aurelia's attacks were bigger, more explosive. She would do better to capitalize on its exposed mouth if it roared again. He hoped that much would go through at least. He felt himself starting to push himself too far. The link was being maintained far longer than he was used to, not to mention with this many people involved. Other psyches were starting to weigh more heavily in his mind, making it harder for him to think fight efficiently. The stupid lapse in control was enough proof of that, the fire trailing too close to his skin. He needed to finish this, though. If they didn't stand together, they had no chance.